Did you lose a tooth during your hockey game or felt something crack when you bit into an apple? No need to panic! This infographic has everything you need to know about dental emergencies! http://bit.ly/35wP3g7
How to Handle Six Common Dental Emergencies | Dr. Dental
Growing older is a natural part of life. Every part of your body changes, including your teeth! Learn what these differences are and what you should do about them. http://bit.ly/2EuFfai
How Your Oral and Dental Health Change With Age | Dr. Dental
Not brushing or flossing your teeth regularly results in cavities. But what exactly are they and what should you do about them? This colorful infographic has all the answers! http://bit.ly/2rLbW0F
What Exactly is a Cavity? (Infographic) | Dr. Dental
Gum disease doesn't appear overnight. It is an aggressive condition that creates serious consequences. Learn what the early signs of gum disease are and how to treat them. http://bit.ly/35HE2Zv
Five Signs of Gum Disease and How to Address Them | Dr. Dental
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a happy Rosh Hashanah!
Just because baby teeth aren't permanent doesn't mean you can neglect them. Your child's teeth still need the appropriate amount of care and oral hygiene. http://bit.ly/2PxdmVC
How to Prevent the 5 Most Common Childhood Dental Problems | Dr. Dental
You can prevent oral cancer by taking good care of your teeth. There are also things like smoking and alcohol consumption that should be avoided as well. http://bit.ly/38Riv28
How to Reduce Your Risk of Mouth & Throat Cancer | Dr. Dental
Early signs of a dental problem include things like teeth sensitivity, mouth sores, and bleeding gums. Schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. http://bit.ly/2rWvm2z
You should never skip brushing your teeth for a day and here are the reasons why: http://bit.ly/36HT3uj
What Happens When You Skip Brushing Your Teeth for a Day
Nothing is more nervewracking than a root canal! Thankfully this procedure isn't as scary as made out to be! This cheerful infographic has everything you need to know. http://bit.ly/2sGe7SY
Everything to Know About Root Canal Therapy | Dr. Dental
Happy Columbus Day!
Happy Columbus Day!
Your wisdom teeth are your third set of molars, erupting from the gumline later in your teenaged years. But do we need our wisdom teeth? And why should we have them removed? http://bit.ly/36DriD8
Why You Should Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed | Dr. Dental
Worried that your child's diet isn't healthy enough? There are a few simple ways to incorporate nutritious foods into their lunches! Your child's overall wellbeing and dental health are bound to improve! http://bit.ly/2YYcIn3
More reasons to get implants. https://abc7ne.ws/2UvBWpo
Commuter finds dentures left in seat on BART train
A change in the coloring of your gums is something to be worried about. Although it's caused by smoking, there are other possibilities too. http://bit.ly/2s2klNe
Smoking, Teeth, & Gums: 8 Hazards + Best Quitting Strategies - Ask the Dentist
You can't regrow enamel, but you may be able to intercept decay before it causes the formation of a cavity. Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with your dentist if you're experiencing toothaches. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/what-does-a-cavity-look-like
What Does a Cavity Look Like? Symptoms and When to See a Dentist
Desensitizing Toothpaste: Science, Ingredients, and More
Have a spooky and safe Halloween!
How are oral health and bone disease linked? Learn more about the effects of osteoporosis on your teeth: https://bit.ly/2FSf5m8
Oral Health and Bone Disease | NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a happy and safe Diwali!
Did you know that people once believed tooth decay was caused by worms? Learn about the history of this myth here, and why you should actually brush and floss your teeth. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/tooth-worm
Do Tooth Worms Exist? Myths Debunked, and Causes of Decay
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or currently serve our country!
Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or currently serve our country!
Before the rise of remote meetings, most of us hadn't spent much time watching ourselves speak. Now, a lot of people are becoming more interested in the possibilities of cosmetic dentistry. https://www.dentistry.co.uk/2020/09/18/zoom-covid-boosted-interest-cosmetic/
How COVID-19 has boosted cosmetic dentistry – Dentistry Online
Amateur dentistry is dangerous, especially if you're messing with a tooth's structure. If you are unsatisfied with your smile, a dentist can determine whether your teeth are chipped or misaligned and how to treat them in a way that will keep them healthy. https://www.insider.com/tiktok-users-shaving-teeth-nail-files-dentists-concerned-2020-9
TikTok users are shaving down their teeth with nail files. Dentists say it could cause permanent damage.
A recent research facility in China has developed a gel that self-heals cavities. Further studies have to be done, but this product would be an amazing breakthrough in the future. http://bit.ly/2PpMBCg
Say Goodbye to Tooth Fillings? | Smile Guide
Don't wait to seek treatment until a dental infection turns into an abscess. This guide will help you to identify the signs of tooth decay. https://www.healthline.com/health/dental-and-oral-health/tooth-decay-stages
Tooth Decay Stages: 5 Stages and How to Treat Each
If you're suffering from a toothache, you'll need to get it checked out. But regular dental appointments can also help catch dental infections that haven't started causing sensitivity yet. https://www.healthline.com/find-care/articles/dentists/tooth-cavities#complications
Tooth Cavities: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
When patients with diabetes maintain proper oral hygiene, they notice lesser negative symptoms. Research explains this through a direct connection between the two. http://bit.ly/34toKWu
Research Reveals Good Dental Hygiene Can Improve Type 2 Diabetes - Today's RDH
Fox River Grove Dental Center would like to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Fox River Grove Dental Center would like to wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Besides a recent small, independent study, all other research indicates that water fluoridation improves your oral health. Fluoride is a deterrent for cavities that works wonders, especially in children. http://bit.ly/2YXJDbw
Does water fluoridation really damage your children's IQ?
There is a newer, alternative treatment for cavities that are gaining popularity. Instead of drilling and removing the bacteria, a dental crown is placed over it. http://bit.ly/36Kzn9b
Cavity Treatment Without Drilling? | Smile Guide
Taking poor care of your teeth correlates to the rest of your body. That's why a link between oral care, tooth loss, and heart disease exists. You are at a higher risk for this condition when you don't treat your mouth right. http://bit.ly/2PqWYG5
Research Shows Tooth Loss May Lead to Cardiovascular Disease - Today's RDH
Children are more likely to get cavities and tooth decay because of the softer nature of baby teeth. A great way to combat this is through Dental Sealants. http://bit.ly/36CMpFF
New research demonstrates a link between obesity and gum disease. Though the exact connection is unknown, what is certain is that inflammation is involved. http://bit.ly/2qXKcp7
Recent Research Illustrates the Link between Periodontal Disease and Obesity - Today's RDH
Pregnant women often experience higher rates of gingivitis and gum disease. New research discusses the link between them. http://bit.ly/2syrtRc
Periodontal Literature: Gauging the Impact of Perio Conditions on Pregnancy - Today's RDH
Children need dental care just like adults! There is a common misconception that kids are the hardest patients, but this doesn't need to be the case. Here are a few tips for keeping children comfortable. http://bit.ly/34kDl6M
10 Expert Tips for Treating Pediatric Dental Patients - Today's RDH
If you're prescribed a blood thinner, make sure to let your dentist know before your appointment. https://bit.ly/3cn3B6b
Finding out what is causing your dental problems, like tooth decay or gingivitis, is important for preventing re-care visits. Take a step back and thoroughly examine your dental hygiene routine. http://bit.ly/2EnVI03
Why Home Care Should Be Flexible about Recommended Oral Hygiene Regimens - Today's RDH
Good dental hygiene leads to better health and fewer issues. Here are some ways to keep your mouth and teeth healthy: https://bit.ly/3iVuLDu
Mouth and Teeth: How to Keep Them Healthy - familydoctor.org
Poor oral health doesn't just cause cavities. A new study reveals a potential link between dental hygiene and cognitive decline. https://bit.ly/3aHQZnu
Does poor oral health impact brain function?
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a happy Kwanzaa!
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a very Merry Christmas!
Dentists are seeing a rise in teeth grinding cases during the pandemic. Here are some ways to help this issue: https://hrld.us/2ZXjtY3
Fox River Grove Dental Center wants to wish you a happy and safe Christmas!
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a fun and safe New Year!
Gum disease not only affects your oral health but also leads to dementia, according to a new study: https://cnn.it/33NwoOV
Gum health could be a risk factor for dementia, study suggests
The pandemic has upended all of our lives, from the way we work to the way we gather. COVID-19 has also impacted our teeth. Learn why one dentist is seeing more oral health issues and how you can protect your teeth: https://nyti.ms/2Ev5pxs
A Dentist Sees More Cracked Teeth. What’s Going On?
Pregnant and wondering how to take care of your oral health? Here are dental hygiene tips for you and your baby: https://bit.ly/3mVZGlI
Dental care for mother and baby
Dry mouth makes it harder for your body to fight off the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Now dentists are noticing increased dry mouth in younger patients due to the prevalence of vaping. https://consumer.healthday.com/cancer-information-5/electronic-cigarettes-970/aha-news-need-another-reason-not-to-vape-your-oral-health-is-at-risk-760738.html
AHA News: Need Another Reason Not to Vape? Your Oral Health Is at Risk
Are you experiencing dental erosion? Here's everything you need to know about this type of tooth wear: https://bit.ly/33Sml9B
We've heard the dangers of smoking cigarettes on oral health. Read more about how hookah is just as a bad: https://bit.ly/3kI6voQ
The Dangers of Smoking Waterpipes and Hookahs - American Dental Association
Could gum disease be related to esophageal and stomach cancer? Scientists are still trying to understand the correlation, but we know that brushing and flossing are important for your overall wellbeing, and not just your teeth. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200720190919.htm
Gum disease may raise risk of some cancers: People with history of gum disease appear to have higher risk of developing oesophageal and gastric cancer, suggest researchers
Evidence continues to mount of a causative effect between gum disease and dementia. We also know that gum inflammation is a risk factor in the development of diabetes. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2020/07/30/gum-health-could-be-risk-factor-for-dementia-study-suggests/
Gum Health Could Be Risk Factor For Dementia, Study Suggests
Dry mouth makes it harder for your body to fight off the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Now dentists are noticing increased dry mouth in younger patients due to the prevalence of vaping. https://consumer.healthday.com/cancer-information-5/electronic-cigarettes-970/aha-news-need-another-reason-not-to-vape-your-oral-health-is-at-risk-760738.html
AHA News: Need Another Reason Not to Vape? Your Oral Health Is at Risk
Are you experiencing dental erosion? Here's everything you need to know about this type of tooth wear: https://bit.ly/33Sml9B
We've heard the dangers of smoking cigarettes on oral health. Read more about how hookah is just as a bad: https://bit.ly/3kI6voQ
The Dangers of Smoking Waterpipes and Hookahs - American Dental Association
Have you ever wondered how animals get by without needing as much dental care as we do? Unfortunately, it's out teeth that pay the price for the convenience of modern diets. Learn more in this fascinating look at the history of teeth and why dental care is so important. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-have-so-many-problems-with-our-teeth/
Why We Have So Many Problems with Our Teeth
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Young children need help brushing their teeth, but that's not the only way you can protect them from cavities. Have you heard of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay? https://chicagohealthonline.com/the-6-donts-of-caring-for-your-childs-teeth/
Preventing Tooth Decay: The 6 Don'ts of Caring for Your Child's Teeth
Could gum disease be related to esophageal and stomach cancer? Scientists are still trying to understand the correlation, but we know that brushing and flossing are important for your overall wellbeing, and not just your teeth. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/07/200720190919.htm
Gum disease may raise risk of some cancers: People with history of gum disease appear to have higher risk of developing oesophageal and gastric cancer, suggest researchers
Evidence continues to mount of a causative effect between gum disease and dementia. We also know that gum inflammation is a risk factor in the development of diabetes. https://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2020/07/30/gum-health-could-be-risk-factor-for-dementia-study-suggests/
Gum Health Could Be Risk Factor For Dementia, Study Suggests
Dry mouth makes it harder for your body to fight off the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. Now dentists are noticing increased dry mouth in younger patients due to the prevalence of vaping. https://consumer.healthday.com/cancer-information-5/electronic-cigarettes-970/aha-news-need-another-reason-not-to-vape-your-oral-health-is-at-risk-760738.html
AHA News: Need Another Reason Not to Vape? Your Oral Health Is at Risk
Canker sores are small yellow sores that appear in your mouth. They are usually found on the soft tissues, including the cheeks and gums. There are a few ways to both prevent and treat these irritants. https://mayocl.in/2S6dNFZ
Brushing your teeth twice every day is essential for your oral health. But are you making proper use of your toothbrush? If its bristles are too beaten down to reach every part of your mouth, it's time to get it replaced. https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/how-often-you-should-change-4498098
How often you should change your toothbrush - including after Covid
Scientists are learning more about the structure of enamel, and hopefully what they've found will allow us to develop better ways of protecting it. But once enamel is gone, it's gone for good. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/complexity-human-tooth-enamel-revealed-atomic-level-nih-funded-study
Complexity of human tooth enamel revealed at atomic level in NIH-funded study
Have you ever wondered how animals get by without needing as much dental care as we do? Unfortunately, it's out teeth that pay the price for the convenience of modern diets. Learn more in this fascinating look at the history of teeth and why dental care is so important. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-have-so-many-problems-with-our-teeth/
Why We Have So Many Problems with Our Teeth
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Young children need help brushing their teeth, but that's not the only way you can protect them from cavities. Have you heard of Baby Bottle Tooth Decay? https://chicagohealthonline.com/the-6-donts-of-caring-for-your-childs-teeth/
Preventing Tooth Decay: The 6 Don'ts of Caring for Your Child's Teeth
When you neglect your oral health, you are at risk of developing Periodontitis. This is a severe gum infection that destroys your bones and soft tissues. Schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. https://mayocl.in/2L9uGif
There are a few things you can do to minimize bad breath. Make sure you're thoroughly flossing and brushing, including your tongue! You can also avoid foods and drinks that make you stink. https://mayocl.in/2p5QaTE
Tips to Limit Bad Breath
Canker sores are small yellow sores that appear in your mouth. They are usually found on the soft tissues, including the cheeks and gums. There are a few ways to both prevent and treat these irritants. https://mayocl.in/2S6dNFZ
Brushing your teeth twice every day is essential for your oral health. But are you making proper use of your toothbrush? If its bristles are too beaten down to reach every part of your mouth, it's time to get it replaced. https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/how-often-you-should-change-4498098
How often you should change your toothbrush - including after Covid
Scientists are learning more about the structure of enamel, and hopefully what they've found will allow us to develop better ways of protecting it. But once enamel is gone, it's gone for good. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/complexity-human-tooth-enamel-revealed-atomic-level-nih-funded-study
Complexity of human tooth enamel revealed at atomic level in NIH-funded study
Have you ever wondered how animals get by without needing as much dental care as we do? Unfortunately, it's out teeth that pay the price for the convenience of modern diets. Learn more in this fascinating look at the history of teeth and why dental care is so important. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-have-so-many-problems-with-our-teeth/
Why We Have So Many Problems with Our Teeth
When you neglect your oral health, you are at risk of developing Periodontitis. This is a severe gum infection that destroys your bones and soft tissues. Schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. https://mayocl.in/2L9uGif
There are a few things you can do to minimize bad breath. Make sure you're thoroughly flossing and brushing, including your tongue! You can also avoid foods and drinks that make you stink. https://mayocl.in/2p5QaTE
Tips to Limit Bad Breath
Canker sores are small yellow sores that appear in your mouth. They are usually found on the soft tissues, including the cheeks and gums. There are a few ways to both prevent and treat these irritants. https://mayocl.in/2S6dNFZ
Brushing your teeth twice every day is essential for your oral health. But are you making proper use of your toothbrush? If its bristles are too beaten down to reach every part of your mouth, it's time to get it replaced. https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/how-often-you-should-change-4498098
How often you should change your toothbrush - including after Covid
Scientists are learning more about the structure of enamel, and hopefully what they've found will allow us to develop better ways of protecting it. But once enamel is gone, it's gone for good. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/complexity-human-tooth-enamel-revealed-atomic-level-nih-funded-study
Complexity of human tooth enamel revealed at atomic level in NIH-funded study
Have you ever wondered how animals get by without needing as much dental care as we do? Unfortunately, it's out teeth that pay the price for the convenience of modern diets. Learn more in this fascinating look at the history of teeth and why dental care is so important. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-we-have-so-many-problems-with-our-teeth/
Why We Have So Many Problems with Our Teeth
Here's a simple answer to the age-old question: should you floss or use a waterpik? https://mayocl.in/30ZFy61
It's not just children that get cavities. It's important that you brush twice a day for two minutes to keep your mouth clean. https://mayocl.in/2MtKVoH
There's no need to be nervous before your dental appointment. Adults should get a cleaning done twice a year, every six months. This article from Mayo Clinic goes into detail about what you can expect. https://mayocl.in/33hq6Uc
When you neglect your oral health, you are at risk of developing Periodontitis. This is a severe gum infection that destroys your bones and soft tissues. Schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. https://mayocl.in/2L9uGif
There are a few things you can do to minimize bad breath. Make sure you're thoroughly flossing and brushing, including your tongue! You can also avoid foods and drinks that make you stink. https://mayocl.in/2p5QaTE
Tips to Limit Bad Breath
Canker sores are small yellow sores that appear in your mouth. They are usually found on the soft tissues, including the cheeks and gums. There are a few ways to both prevent and treat these irritants. https://mayocl.in/2S6dNFZ
Just because baby teeth fall out doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of them. Brushing and flossing are needed to keep your baby teeth healthy. https://mayocl.in/328uSDm
Dental implants are used to replace teeth that are missing or have been extracted. Though the surgery isn't overly complicated, make sure to follow all instructions before and after! https://mayocl.in/2M3oMk9
Dental implant surgery - Mayo Clinic
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a safe President's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's a simple answer to the age-old question: should you floss or use a waterpik? https://mayocl.in/30ZFy61
It's not just children that get cavities. It's important that you brush twice a day for two minutes to keep your mouth clean. https://mayocl.in/2MtKVoH
Interested in looking your best before your next dental appointment? Read up on the fundamentals of brushing and flossing! https://mayocl.in/2MC6o2c
Just because baby teeth fall out doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of them. Brushing and flossing are needed to keep your baby teeth healthy. https://mayocl.in/328uSDm
Dental implants are used to replace teeth that are missing or have been extracted. Though the surgery isn't overly complicated, make sure to follow all instructions before and after! https://mayocl.in/2M3oMk9
Dental implant surgery - Mayo Clinic
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a safe President's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's a simple answer to the age-old question: should you floss or use a waterpik? https://mayocl.in/30ZFy61
Interested in looking your best before your next dental appointment? Read up on the fundamentals of brushing and flossing! https://mayocl.in/2MC6o2c
Just because baby teeth fall out doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of them. Brushing and flossing are needed to keep your baby teeth healthy. https://mayocl.in/328uSDm
Dental implants are used to replace teeth that are missing or have been extracted. Though the surgery isn't overly complicated, make sure to follow all instructions before and after! https://mayocl.in/2M3oMk9
Dental implant surgery - Mayo Clinic
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a safe President's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Here's a simple answer to the age-old question: should you floss or use a waterpik? https://mayocl.in/30ZFy61
Your dentist identifies signs of other medical conditions that you might miss. It's one of the many reasons you should go to your bi-annual dental examinations. http://bit.ly/31GJSYu
Dental Exams and Disease Diagnosis
Interested in looking your best before your next dental appointment? Read up on the fundamentals of brushing and flossing! https://mayocl.in/2MC6o2c
Just because baby teeth fall out doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of them. Brushing and flossing are needed to keep your baby teeth healthy. https://mayocl.in/328uSDm
Dental implants are used to replace teeth that are missing or have been extracted. Though the surgery isn't overly complicated, make sure to follow all instructions before and after! https://mayocl.in/2M3oMk9
Dental implant surgery - Mayo Clinic
Fox River Grove Dental Center wishes you a safe President's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
There's no need to be nervous before a dental examination. Learn what exactly your appointment entails to relieve yourself of any pre-appointment anticipation. http://bit.ly/31HDLmH
What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?
Dental sealants are an inexpensive and noninvasive preventative treatment for tooth decay. They are available for both adults and children. http://bit.ly/2KBNp4t
Dental Sealants: Are They Worth the Risks and Costs?
Job Description
Join our team to gain great work experience and make a difference! Our goal is to deliver the best patient care in the best working environment.
-Welcome patients and prepare them for treatment
-Assist chairside during procedures
- Operatory set up, breakdown, infection control
-Sterilize instruments
-Take digital x-rays, including PAN/CT Scan
-Digital scanning and designing 1 day crowns
-Assist in clear aligner therapy for orthodontics
-1 year dental experience preferred
-Knowledge of dental instruments and sterilization methods
-Understanding of health & safety regulations
-Good computer skills, including charting and knowledge of ADA codes
-Excellent communication and time management skills
-Attention to detail
-Well-organized and reliable
Dental Assistant
Your dentist identifies signs of other medical conditions that you might miss. It's one of the many reasons you should go to your bi-annual dental examinations. http://bit.ly/31GJSYu
Dental Exams and Disease Diagnosis
Interested in looking your best before your next dental appointment? Read up on the fundamentals of brushing and flossing! https://mayocl.in/2MC6o2c
Just because baby teeth fall out doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of them. Brushing and flossing are needed to keep your baby teeth healthy. https://mayocl.in/328uSDm
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
There's no need to be nervous before a dental examination. Learn what exactly your appointment entails to relieve yourself of any pre-appointment anticipation. http://bit.ly/31HDLmH
What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?
Dental sealants are an inexpensive and noninvasive preventative treatment for tooth decay. They are available for both adults and children. http://bit.ly/2KBNp4t
Dental Sealants: Are They Worth the Risks and Costs?
Job Description
Join our team to gain great work experience and make a difference! Our goal is to deliver the best patient care in the best working environment.
-Welcome patients and prepare them for treatment
-Assist chairside during procedures
- Operatory set up, breakdown, infection control
-Sterilize instruments
-Take digital x-rays, including PAN/CT Scan
-Digital scanning and designing 1 day crowns
-Assist in clear aligner therapy for orthodontics
-1 year dental experience preferred
-Knowledge of dental instruments and sterilization methods
-Understanding of health & safety regulations
-Good computer skills, including charting and knowledge of ADA codes
-Excellent communication and time management skills
-Attention to detail
-Well-organized and reliable
Dental Assistant
Your dentist identifies signs of other medical conditions that you might miss. It's one of the many reasons you should go to your bi-annual dental examinations. http://bit.ly/31GJSYu
Dental Exams and Disease Diagnosis
Interested in looking your best before your next dental appointment? Read up on the fundamentals of brushing and flossing! https://mayocl.in/2MC6o2c
Before you consider teeth whitening, you should understand how teeth become stained. Avoiding staining factors and using whitening products gives you the smile you need! http://bit.ly/2KAa5lQ
Teeth Whitening – Dental Care
Here are some general tips for keeping your teeth clean: brush and floss twice daily. You should also invest in mouthwash and healthier foods. Don't forget to schedule your bi-yearly dental examinations too! http://bit.ly/2LHdIHD
11 Best Practices for Healthy Teeth
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
There's no need to be nervous before a dental examination. Learn what exactly your appointment entails to relieve yourself of any pre-appointment anticipation. http://bit.ly/31HDLmH
What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?
Dental sealants are an inexpensive and noninvasive preventative treatment for tooth decay. They are available for both adults and children. http://bit.ly/2KBNp4t
Dental Sealants: Are They Worth the Risks and Costs?
Job Description
Join our team to gain great work experience and make a difference! Our goal is to deliver the best patient care in the best working environment.
-Welcome patients and prepare them for treatment
-Assist chairside during procedures
- Operatory set up, breakdown, infection control
-Sterilize instruments
-Take digital x-rays, including PAN/CT Scan
-Digital scanning and designing 1 day crowns
-Assist in clear aligner therapy for orthodontics
-1 year dental experience preferred
-Knowledge of dental instruments and sterilization methods
-Understanding of health & safety regulations
-Good computer skills, including charting and knowledge of ADA codes
-Excellent communication and time management skills
-Attention to detail
-Well-organized and reliable
Dental Assistant