Our office is focused on your care and safety during every visit! With our enhanced safety protocols, we guarantee that your visit will center around your comfort and well-being.
We are all in this together, and your safety is our top priority! To help prevent the spread of the coronavirus, our team has enhanced our safety protocols. In addition to wearing additional PPE, our staff will be enforcing mask-wearing and preventative temperature checks to ensure our patient’s and team's well-being during and after every visit. Give us a call to discuss our additional safety protocols while scheduling your next dental appointment today!
Cavities are never welcome, but they can be especially annoying when discovered on your front teeth (a.k.a. incisors). Can they be filled the same as molars? What are your options?
#DentalFillings #oralhealth #cavities
Cavities on Front Teeth: Why Do We Get Them? What Are Your Options?
As trained medical professionals, we take safety seriously! Our office has personally increased our safety procedures to ensure the safety of our patients and team alike. We are excited to once again serve our patients with the world-class dental care you have come to know and expect!
This year hasn’t been so average, but there is still time to use your 2020 dental benefits! If you’re not sure what benefits you have left, we can help. Call us today and we can walk you through your available options!
Teeth whitening choices range from budget-friendly over-the-counter products to pricier treatments at a dentist’s office. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution. It’s important to weigh how much teeth whitening costs with how well they’ll work for your teeth.
#teethwhitening #teethwhiteningkit #teethwhiteningspecialist #costofteethwhitening #cosmeticdentistry
How Much Teeth Whitening Costs, and What to Expect - Dental Health Society
Let's be honest: We've all been putting off that trip to the dentist's office, no?
Here's why *now* is the best time to get in for that checkup or appointment.
7 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to See the Dentist - Dental Health Society
Get back on track this Dental Hygiene month by scheduling a routine cleaning. Call today to schedule your appointment!
Scheduling with our office is easy! Contact us today to book your appointment for Patient Appreciation Week: November 16-20!
Happy Halloween from our dental team to you and your family 🎃 !
One of the most common causes of a toothache is sensitivity from a cavity, but did you know there are other reasons, such as tooth pain from a sinus infection? It is best to call your dentist to make an appointment when your tooth pain begins!
Potential Causes Of Toothaches: It's Not Always A Cavity
With our enhanced safety protocols, our team guarantees that your visit will center around your comfort and well-being. Call today to schedule your next visit!
Call today to schedule your next appointment with our amazing dental team! We assure you that our enhanced safety procedures and protocols will have you feeling comfortable during your visit.
The best way to keep your teeth white is through everyday healthy habits. Learn more about the fact vs. fiction behind DIY teeth whitening treatments in the article below.
Does Natural Teeth Whitening Work? - American Dental Association
We get a lot of questions about dental bonding. In this first post, we explore the basics of this procedure, including when it is needed.
#DentalBonding #OralHealth #Dentistry
How Dental Bonding Works - Dental Health Society
As the holiday season is coming to an end, be sure to stay in touch with those closest to you. Don’t forget about your favorite dental team! We would love a call to discuss your smile 😁. Call us today to schedule your next appointment! #CallaFriendDay
How do you prevent the extra cost of broken or lost Invisalign? It’s easier than you think. Make sure you know what to do with them when eating.
#invisalign #invisaligncare
Maintain your oral health routine and keep caring for your teeth throughout the holiday season! We are here for you with all our additional safety measures still in place and your health and safety top of mind. Give us a call to schedule your appointment before the end of the year.
Caring for Dental Health During the Holidays – American Dental Association
Deciding between dental crowns vs. implants is more than just a personal preference. Both can restore a tooth, but that’s where the similarity ends. Here’s what you need to know so you can make the best choice.
#DentalCrowns #DentalImplants #dentalcare
Dental Crowns vs. Implants: Which is the Best Choice? - Dental Health Society
Can dental cleaning damage teeth? No! Don’t let these myths keep you from getting the dental care you need.
Can Dental Cleaning Damage Teeth? Busting the Myths - Dental Health Society
Did you know that your toothpaste has an expiration date? After an extended period, the fluoride in toothpaste can start to break down becoming less effective. Make sure to check that expiration date to make sure that your toothpaste still meets the guidelines of the ADA.
Does Toothpaste Expire?
Call us today to reserve your appointment during Invisalign Week: February 15-19!
Happy Groundhog Day! Will we have an early Spring or six more weeks of winter? #GroundhogDay
Encouraging oral health care for kids is all about education and making it fun! This National Children’s Dental Health Month find what tactics work best for your kiddos and create a routine that keeps them excited to brush every day. #NCDHM
How To Encourage Oral Health Care For Kids
Deciding where to get your teeth whitened depends on the cost, convenience, and risk factors. We look into the pros and cons of your options:
#teethwhitening #teethwhiteningspecialist #cosmeticdentistry
Where Can I Get My Teeth Whitened? - Dental Health Society