Children seem to enjoy their adjustments. Besides requiring a lighter touch than the ones you receive, most infants respond quickly. They rarely have the build up of scar tissue that we often see in adults with long-standing problems.
Do you know a child that could benefit from today’s safe and natural chiropractic care? Resolving these problems early can avoid problems later on.
Inflammation is your immune system’s response to an infection, injury or irritation. It’s how our body’s white blood cells protect us from bacteria and viruses.
An infected cut shows signs of inflammation with swelling, redness and pain. A similar response can occur inside our body from the foods we eat.
We usually think of inflammation as something outside the body. But it can occur inside the body too. Which can lead to stroke, heart disease and other ailments. Author Nicholas Perricone, MD, proposes that inflammation may well be the force behind premature aging.
Low back pain, more commonly associated with jobs involving physical labor, is now afflicting an increasing number of white-collar workers. Usually associated with heavy lifting, turning, bending and repetitive motions, back pain is becoming a plague among those who lift nothing heavier than a stapler.
While workplace design and employee fitness are factors in office workers developing neck and back injuries, overlooked elements are psychosocial factors:
How positive a person’s mental outlook is
How much they like their career
Improving the Psychosocial Factor
Instead of taking drugs to reduce back pain symptoms, more and more recommendations involve reducing the amount of stress and taking steps to increase job satisfaction. In fact, experts say that up to 80 percent of adults will seek treatment for work-related neck or back pain at some point in their career.
Interested in learning more about what you can do to save your back? Ask us at your next appointment.
Foundation for Chiropractic Progress
November 5 at 3:10 PM ·
"True silence is the rest of the mind, and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment." - William Penn
When your joints hurt, the last thing you feel like doing is exercising. But, often, it’s one of the best things you can do. Strengthening your muscles provides stability around your joints and moderate exercise can actually help lessen your pain. In addition, maintaining a healthy weight and getting enough sleep are important in managing joint pain – two things exercise can help with.
Five of the best low impact exercises for those with joint and arthritis pain are: swimming, water aerobics, walking, cycling, and using an elliptical machine.
Remember, you’re not looking to be an Olympic-level athlete. Take it slow and focus on getting several days of moderate, low-impact exercise in each week. Your joints will thank you.
You may also find relief with a chiropractic adjustment. Give our office a call and we’d be happy to get your next appointment scheduled.
As your partner in health, we’re always here for you, and want to help you make 2021 your best year yet. With so many uncertainties in the world today, it’s never been more important to put your health first—and what better way to do it than naturally.
Over the years, our team has seen many patients who visit us as a last result, having lived in nagging pain for years thinking “this is just how it’s going to be.”
If this sounds familiar, schedule a visit with us. Our practice has worked with people just like you, your friends or family members who’ve spent too much time thinking they can’t be helped.
Make 2021 the year you take control of your health naturally—with focused, gentle chiropractic care!