C & C Toyota Scion

(on pike street)
Auto Dealers in Marietta, OH
Auto Dealers
Auto Parts and Accessories
Auto Repair


1305 Pike Street
Marietta, OH


C & C Toyota offers many automotive products and services to our Marietta, Parkersburg, Vienna and Williamstown area customers. From quality new Toyota vehicles to used cars, we know anyone looking for a vehicle in the Marietta area will likely find what they want at our Ohio Toyota dealership. We carry a comprehensive line of Toyota vehicles, making us a good choice as your Marietta Toyota car dealer.


Company name
C & C Toyota Scion
Auto Dealers


  • What is the phone number for C & C Toyota Scion in Marietta OH?
    You can reach them at: 740-373-2928. It’s best to call C & C Toyota Scion during business hours.
  • What is the address for C & C Toyota Scion on pike street in Marietta?
    C & C Toyota Scion is located at this address: 1305 Pike Street Marietta, OH 45750.