General Engineering Contractor in Apple Valley, California
About Apple Valley Construction Co., Inc. Doug Hamilton started Apple Valley Construction Co., Inc. in 1978, as a small enterprise with one dump truck and backhoe. Since the Hamilton family's background had its roots in the oil-well drilling industry, the transition to underground construction, including the installation of septic systems, sewer lines, and water pipelines was a natural one. The company has grown and flourished since its beginning and continues to provide excellent service. Additional services have been added, including equipment rentals, retail aggregate sales and trucking Our Company offers a range of services including the following: Pipeline installation, water, sewer and storm drain. Installation and hookup of sewer laterals. Drywells [Water retention pits] Utility trenching, electric, telephone, cable etc. Equipment / Operator rentals Complete septic systems, including tanks, seepage pits and leach fields. Hole drilling for canopies, etc. Sales and delivery of rock, sand and landscaping materials. Transfer truck, end dump and low bed truck sub-hauling