Wheeler Home Services LLC has been pretty busy this summer. We’ve inspected over 150 homes since May! We’ve also completed several radon tests and traveled more than 13,000 miles.
We participated in the Greater Nashville Association of Realtors annual convention as an affiliate member. Picked up some tips and did a little networking.
November and December are usually slower month because of the holidays. But we’re still open for business—pass the word!
Give us a call if you have any questions or would like to book an inspection.
John Wheeler
Wheeler Home Services LLC
What tools and equipment do home inspectors use?
The first set of tools a home inspector has is knowledge, experience and a native attention to detail. For me, Over all these and every other tool is a constant dependence on the power and goodness of God who not only gives all of this to me, but also teaches me how to do what I do.
My most commonly used tools include: iPad with software, flashlight and headlamp, multi-tool screw driver, voltage tester, IR thermometer, moisture meter and water pressure gauge. And of course, a Little Giant ladder.
In addition, I also use a 6 foot step ladder, a level and a thermal imaging camera.
I am also safety conscious and use goggles, nitrile gloves and a respirator.
Finally, a good home inspection is courteous and helpful toward clients and homeowners and tries to protect property and present a professional appearance.
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