Today doesn’t just mark the first day of August, it’s also the start of Dogust, the Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs! This wholesome holiday marks an honorary birthday for adopted shelter dogs, as their exact ones are often unknown.
Looking to adopt? Click here to find a VCA shelter partner: #VCApets
15,000 adopted pets helped every month
As many of you know we have been practicing a little differently because of the pandemic. Having you wait outside has allowed us to protect you as well as ourselves from Covid 19. With that being said we also want to make sure our four-legged friends are staying safe. With summer officially here it’s important to remember that the inside of cars can get very hot very quickly. Please make sure to leave your car and air conditioning on while waiting for your appointment. If you do not have AC in your car or you walked to the hospital and feel your pet is getting too hot please give us a call and we can bring them into the hospital to wait for their appointment. We will also be leaving some bowls of water outside for our canine buddies. Once again, thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this crazy time.
The Staff at Ho-Ho-Kus Veterinary Hospital would like to send a huge thank you to the families who contributed to buying us not one but multiple lunches. We love being there for you and your pets and are grateful we have such great clients who are willing to work with us through these challenging times.
We know you’re so excited to go on some autumn nature walks with your dog, but for this #FallSafetyTip, make sure you watch out for snakes, some of which can be venomous! They’re preparing for hibernation and may be a little crankier if disturbed by a curious pet! 🐍
When walking or hiking, if something happens to your pet, be sure to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible. #VCApets
Today is Global Cat Day, a special occasion devoted to unowned, free-roaming “community” cats. These cats often get a bad rap but it’s important to understand that these cats aren’t so different from our beloved pets. As a matter of fact, many are living on the streets as a result of being abandoned by their families.
We've included some tips to help manage and care for the community cats in your neighborhood.
Helping these cats starts by being a responsible guardian! Spay/neuter your own cat and keep them indoors.
* In just seven years, a single pair of cats and their offspring could produce a staggering total of 420,000 kittens! #VCApets