#Fridayvibes #TGIF
#MondayMotivation #StayStrong
#Thursdaythoughts #thursdayvibes #opportunity #motivation
Vanguard Cleaning Systems of Central PA would like to give a huge welcome to Penn State Health - Palmyra!! We appreciate your business!
#TipTuesday #Tuesdaythoughts
There is a difference between sanitizing and disinfecting. Be weary of labels that claim to be disinfectants. You should be looking for products that require at least a 3 minute "dwell time". This means let the chemical SIT. Don't be tempted to wipe it away. This is when the magic happens so be patient! Then wipe with a cloth. (NOTE: if the label indicates only one minute of dwell time, its only sanitizing - killing germs but not the virus)
#thankfulThursday #frontliners #heroes #service #sacrifice
#TipTuesday #StayMotivated #ComfortZone
#MondayMotivation #Let'sdothis #newweek
October 23 at 1:11 PM ·
Frequent use of hand sanitizer, staying at least 6 feet from other people, and wearing masks are critical ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 at the polls. A new MMWR report found widespread adoption of most COVID-19 prevention measures to help protect poll workers and voters. Learn more: http://bit.ly/MMWR102320.
#influenza #covid #coronavirus #flu #health #virus #vaccine
The Percentage of People in the United States Experiencing #Flu-Like Symptoms
#HappyThanksgiving #Family #Health #StaySafe #MaskUp
Everyone’s over the pandemic. But the pandemic is far from over.
Mask for your family, your friends and your neighbors.
#MaskUp to stay safe.
#WednesdayWisdom #stressless
#Thursdaythoughts #kindness #love #Thankitforward
#VeteransDay #VeteransDay2020#Veterans #usmilitary #USA #ThankAVet #Patriotic #Marines #usmarines #Army #AirForce #usairforce #CoastGuard #Navy #usnavy #navyseals #ussoldiers #americansoldier #armedforces #HonoringVets #GodBlessTheUSA
Thank you to all Veterans for your courage, sacrifice, and service to our great country!! We salute you!!
#MondayMotivation #MondayBlues
December 7th, 1941. A day which will live in infamy.
While the attacks on Pearl Harbor brought shock, fear, and uncertainty to our nation, the bravery and commitment of our service members inspired us. We salute those who endured the destruction of that day, and may we all emulate the fearlessness and dedication of our heroes.
Get involved in your community to give back in this time of high need by giving your time, your ideas, and creativity from a safe social distance or by donating from the convenience of your home.