Looking for a full time Technician . We are a 33 year old family owned business and are very serious about training and our equipment. If you think your not being treated like you deserve and have what it takes to be a part of our team, then please apply and lets talk! Bill C We pay by the hour and can begin anywhere from 18-24.00 per hour to start! hour depending on your skill level and certifications.. I would tell you the honest truth. Its a great place to work and this is not just a "job" its a career!.
Automotive Technician must have experience and mastertech certs preffer L1 also
Updated Automotive
August 27 at 7:55 AM ·
A look at the past from my friend Mike who is in this picture as well!
A look at the past from my friend Mike who is in this picture as well!
Noelle Morovich is at Updated Automotive.
June 10 at 7:10 PM · North Royalton, OH ·
Happy Fourth of July from Updated Automotive
Noelle Morovich is at Updated Automotive.
June 29 at 10:30 AM · North Royalton, OH ·
Bear with his Donut on Saturday!
Automotive Technician must have experience and mastertech certs preffer L1 also
Updated Automotive posted a job.
August 9, 2019 at 6:24 PM ·
Looking for a full time Technician . We are a 33 year old business and are very serious about training and our equipment. If you think your not being treated like you deserve and have what it takes to be a part of our team, then please apply and lets talk! Bill C We pay by the hour and can begin anywhere from 18-24.00 per hour to start! hour depending on your skill level and certifications.. I would tell you the honest truth. Its a great place to work and this is not just a "job" its a career!.
Updated Automotive posted a job.
August 9, 2019 at 6:24 PM ·
Looking for a full time Technician . We are a 33 year old business and are very serious about training and our equipment. If you think your not being treated like you deserve and have what it takes to be a part of our team, then please apply and lets talk! Bill C We pay by the hour and can begin anywhere from 18-24.00 per hour to start! hour depending on your skill level and certifications.. I would tell you the honest truth. Its a great place to work and this is not just a "job" its a career!.
Updated Automotive
November 11 at 4:00 AM ·
Happy Veterans Day to our military and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep our country safe and strong.
Happy Veterans Day to our military and their families, who sacrifice so much to keep our country safe and strong.
Here is to a prosperous 2021! We appreciate the time you have spent working with us!
All of us here at Updated Automotive are sending holiday cheer to you and your family.
Here comes Bearaclaws!!!
Many thanks to Noelle and Her Business paws in the land check it out on FB!