The Rest Stop

We pride ourselves on the quality and service that is guaranteed with each restroom. For a number of years we have been providing portable rest rooms to anyone that requires an outdoor restroom - from back yard weddings to full-blown construction sites, we guarantee that our restrooms will be clean and of high quality.

Find The Rest Stop near me

The Rest Stop locations in US

The Rest Stop

US Postal Code:01938

Address: 22 Mitchell Rd, Ipswich
Store Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Sat-Sun: Closed

The R.E.S.T. Stop

US Postal Code:56143

Address: 513 2nd Street, Jackson
Store Hours:

The Rest Stop

US Postal Code:01938

Address: 22 Mitchell Rd, Ipswich
Store Hours:

Latest The Rest Stop news

Did you know a conventional running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water EVERY DAY! #fact
Here at The Rest Stop, we are dedicated to providing clean and safe bathroom alternatives to all! Call us at (978) 356-7877 for more information today!
The average person spends 20 minutes a day going to the restroom! #FunFacts
You should wash your hands for a minimum of 15 seconds after using the restroom. #FunFacts