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What is SEO and why does your local business need it?
Council Post: Five Signs That Your Business Needs Local SEO
You can increase your revenue with organic SEO, but what is that exactly? It's getting to the top of the search engine results page, click by click. See how we get you to that coveted spot and keep you there.
If your business is seasonal, how do you make it grow during its down-time?
Social media marketing has changed in 2020 and we know how difficult it can be to stay on top of those changes. Are you doing all the right things to keep your web presence strong?
Did you know the brain can process video 60,000 times faster than text and retain that information better? In business, that equals sales when you take advantage of video media:
Are you scaling your website? If this question sounds like Greek to you, you need to read this:
We understand the impact of email marketing and have our successful strategies in place. Make sure you're not missing steps to increase your business contact list: Then reach out to access our marketing expertise by calling 510-680-3300 today.
Email Marketing: How to Increase the Number of Your Contacts
Is Google stealing your creative -- and business -- thunder?
The surprising power of the customer survey. Are you utilizing your survey's maximum potential? You may be surprised by this strategy:
Are you using your Chamber of Commerce wisely? The Napa Valley Chamber helps area small businesses with a program called Small Business Connect. Get involved and watch your business grow:
How important is customer feedback and live support ? A fledgling business can't grow without it:
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Read up on this old nugget and gear down for the holiday marketing season:
How a Social Media Content Calendar Can Alleviate Holiday Stress
The surprising digital trend for 2021? Cyber security. Read up on these coronavirus cyberattack stats. The future of your online business could depend on it:
You're the leader of your business and that means taking care of yourself even when you think you don't have the time. Perfect these rituals and you could be a better team leader:
8 Simple Habits That Will Boost Your Well-Being in 2020
How does your business appear online? Find out with our free digital audits. Contact us to set up your digital audit today:
Don't forget to take advantage of your area's Chamber of Commerce. The San Francisco Bay Area chamber has resources designated specifically for small businesses. When our small businesses are successful, the community wins!
Small Business Resources | San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
As a small business owner, you should be aware of the terms "distress strategy" and "market the change." If you're not, we recommend you read this:
How To Poise Your Business For Success (And Survival) In The Covid Economy
Are you capitalizing on your website views? With targeted display advertising, we can help you get your browsing customers to commit to the click.
Shouldn't you have New Year's resolutions for your small business? If you can't think of any, these business-minded resolutions should get -- and keep -- you on track for 2021:
5G technology was the talk of 2020. According to BizTech, here's what it could mean for small businesses in 2021:
What Will 5G Mean for Small Businesses?
Did you know that the Concord Chamber of Commerce has an entire page on its website devoted to tips, news, and other advice geared to the small-business owner? Check out this valuable resource!
Do you consider your business to be socially responsible within your community? If not, Forbes shares why it's good for business to be a good neighbor:
Do you need help with the digital business behind your online business? Ask us how we influence sales by understanding and using the key differences and strengths of SEM and SEO:
As a business owner, you lead by example. Here are eight ways to get your focus, keep it, and lead your team to productivity:
You've heard of your local Chamber of Commerce, but do you know how to use it to launch your business to new heights? Don't miss out on your local opportunities, where the Chamber can do all of this for you: