The new normal. The relentless pursuit of justice, from the safety of my home. Stay safe and well, my friends.
As many of you know, the Kansas Court system is temporarily closed to the public. Depending on the judicial district, jury trials and almost all other court appearances have been postponed to at least May or June. In keeping with best practices as recommended by the CDC and others, we are restricting personal contact as well. While the work goes on, we will keep our doors locked and not invite face-to-face meetings. I may be reached here, or by email at, or by calling the office. We will explore whether video chats are available, but we will do everything to protect your legal interests and your personal safety. Thanks for understanding!
I consider today to be the anniversary of the start of my career. Thirty years ago today, I walked into the Miami County Attorney's Office, with scant experience and even less confidence. The lessons I learned have served me over the past three decades. I discovered the debilitating impact of mental illness by handling cases at the Osawatomie State Hospital, and how community resources, not just pharma-medical advances, were critical. I learned compassion by seeing how differently children in foster care viewed life, compared to my comfortable middle-class upbringing with loving, involved parents. Through the sheer volume and variety of cases, I learned how to prepare quickly and think on my feet, critical for a trial lawyer. I've witnessed people at their worst (and their best). Every major area of law that I practice has seen substantial reforms. Every day I draw on these experiences and apply these lessons to help my clients.
And in my next thirty years... NAH!
The hardest, most unpopular cases to defend require the most time, attention and effort. I recently returned from a conference hosted by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers named (appropriately) Defending the Unthinkable, concerning sexual abuse. It was the fourth time I've attended, and I drew inspiration by learning from some of the best trial lawyers from across the nation. As a father and grandfather, these type of cases draw fear and anger, but as a criminal defense lawyer you have to put these emotions aside. Our Constitution was written to apply to all.