Student loan discharge legislation submitted to Congress last week! This would allow student loans to be discharged in a bankruptcy case. Great news for the economy and those with these burdensome debts. We can only hope this gets approved quickly...
Avoid repossession and protect your credit score. More people are getting behind on car payments today than ever before. Here's how to protect your credit and avoid repossession.
Can’t Pay Your Car Loan? Here’s What to Do - Dolhancyk Law Firm , P.C.
Cut Your Cable Cord and Save Money! No, this is not an ad. It works! This is what I advise not just my clients, but all consumers.
Did you notice an increase in your credit score? If you have not checked your credit score recently now is a good time to do so. You may be pleasantly surprised. A recent overhaul by the three major credit bureaus in the way credit scores are calculated has improved millions of consumer credit scores. Some things, like tax liens and civil judgments, have been removed. And millions of collection accounts have been removed. These reporting changes have led to an average 11 point increase in credit scores. For some consumers, scores have increased by as much as 40 points!
Blog - Dolhancyk Law Firm , P.C.
Student Loan Repayment Rights - Dolhancyk Law Firm , P.C.
Can I file bankruptcy again? Sometimes life's unexpected surprises mean you have to file bankruptcy again. In most cases, you can do this. But avoid some common pitfalls
Blog - Dolhancyk Law Firm , P.C.