We would love to see you for dinner on October 1 to meet with two adoptive families, and ask questions about the adoption process.
Last day to rsvp so we can order food!!! Can’t wait to see you!!
Getting to Know Adoption
Huge happy smiles, huge happy kisses, huge happy hugs, because it is precious Sadie's Adoption Day! We are so thankful to celebrate with this amazing foster and adoptive mom and her (now official!) daughter. Sadie has been blessed with a hero momma who loves her!
(And thank you to Mr. Roberts with DHR for coming to share in the celebration! We were so glad you made the trip.)
Chris and CJ Brown, along with The Adoption Law Firm, welcome you into the story of their foster care parenting and the adoption of their third daughter, Sincerely.
We are honored to partner with excellent families like the Brown's.
Congratulations Chris and CJ! You are gift to your daughter, as she is to you.
Mary Beth Perry McLure is with Sam McLure and 2 others.
September 18 at 8:46 PM ·
DELIGHT to share in the joy of Sincerely Brown's adoption day. You are cherished, baby girl.
Please don’t forget about our event coming up soon and rsvp for food purposes!! We can’t wait to see you and for you to hear these stories and ask your questions!!
Getting to Know Adoption
Happy Birthday to our Chief Law Clerk and Top-Notch Legal Ninja!
Adoption is not just for children! Today we finalized and celebrated the adult adoption of a Daughter and her Father... and made into a legal reality, what has already been true. That the man who loved and raised Amanda is her real Dad. Congratulations to the Redd and Fields families, and thank you for trusting us with your adoption.
It’s a beautiful day for a Lee county adoption! Congratulations to our newest adoptive family!
Thank you to Judge English and Chief Clerk Becky Freeman for your excellence in facilitating this adoption.
Thank you to our wonderful translator Seongho Choi!
“FamSeongho Choimusic;
Some high notes,
Some low notes,
But always a beautiful song.”
하나의 아름다운 입양 가정이 탄생한 Lee County 였답니다!
새로운 가족에게 진심으로 축하를 드리며, 특히 입양 수속을 용이하게 도와 주신 판사 English 님, 수석 사무관 Becky Freeman 님께 다시 한번 경의를 표합니다.
그리고 훌륭히 통역을 도와준 최성호 위원에게도 감사합니다.
“가족이란 음악과도 같은 것;
때로는 높은 음처럼,
때로는 낮은 음처럼,
하지만 그것은 늘 아름다운 노래라네”
The juvenile court can not completely deprive the parents of the custody of the child unless the appropriate quantum of evidence established all of the following three conditions...
E.H. v. Calhoun County DHR: Quantum of Evidence Necessary to Deprive a Natural Parent of Custody
On August 5, 2020, in the middle of a pandemic and national turmoil, something beauitful was happening in the tiny town of Hayneville, AL. After 1215 days in foster care, Haiden became the legal son of Lincoln and Melinda Speece and the legal brother of Halina, Jameson, and Hudson; the family who had loved him his whole life. After days, weeks, months, and years of uncertainty and even fear for the future, the decision was finally made, the paperwork signed, the reailty of Haiden belonging as a Speece made legal. And oh the joy!
The Court Civil Appeals has handed down an interesting decision defining “emotional abuse”...
Emotionally Abusive Mother Lost Custody of Her Child (J.C. v. Houston County Department of Human Resources)
What if I don’t feel the tug toward adoption or fostering, but I recognize the need and still want to help? Are there ways to do that? The short answer is ‘absolutely’!
Foster a Healthy Community for Foster Parents
"the juvenile court entered judgments terminating the mother's parental rights to the children..."
“A Beneficial Emotional Bond” Changes the Rules of Engagement for Foster Care: S.P. v. Madison County Department of Human Resources
THU, JAN 21, 2021 AT 6:30 PM CST
Get to Know Adoption
Get excited!
The story of Dennis, coming tomorrow...
"You never know where your "yes' will lead you..."
Roxanne said "yes" to foster care, "yes" to opening her home to chidren in her community, "yes" to giving her heart as a mother, "yes" to allowing her heart to be broken, "yes" to relationship with birth mothers in crisis, "yes" to sacrifice... we have a lot to learn from this friend and we are excited to share the story of Roxanne and her son.
Check out our YouTube Channel for more videos like this! https://www.youtube.com/adoptionlawfirm/
Stay up to date with the latest news by subscribing to our newsletter on our website: https://mailchi.mp/theadoptionfirm.com/website-main-signup-form
In the meantime - here's our latest newsletter!
We are growing!
This Christmas Season, I want to take the time to introduce some of our wonderful staff, and let you hear their hearts about this time of advent and worship, about who they are, and the work that we do.
I am happy to introduce Michelle Willis, who has come to help us with client care. Michelle brings some much needed life experience to The Adoption Law Firm as a mother of biological sons and an adopted daughter. She has been a great asset as an expert in client care, having worked as the Executive Director of Elmore County Crisis Pregnancy Center and Vice President of Marketing at Legacy Credit Union. I am thankful to have her, and excited for you all of you connected to our firm to get to know her.
Happy Christmas.
Welcome Susan!
Welcome our new Associate Attorney
Adoptive fathers... this one is for you.
Rebecca Smith has brought not just a sharp mind and spirit of excellence, but personal experience with adoption and a heart to help our families. We are thankful to have such wonderful staff helping us to serve you, and we encourage you to take a moment to hear from Rebecca.
Christmas Meditations with Rebecca Smith
"Someone intervenes...
a child is seen...
action is taken...
a child is rescued.
There is hope..."
Some Good News from a Hard Year
There are many fears associated with adoption. Hopefully our new blog post will help you see from a different perspective.
Getting Over Fears About Adoption - The Adoption Law Firm
Challenging a dependency filing...our latest blog post.
The Court of Civil Appeals Requires Specific Steps to Challenge a Dependency Finding K.M. v. S.R., Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, November 5, 2020 - The Adoption Law Firm
Don't forget to RSVP to our Auburn/Opelika FREE informational event on 1/21!
THU, JAN 21 AT 6:30 PM CST
Get to Know Adoption
Child custody blog post...
Circuit Court or Juvenile Court: Which has Control, and Why It Matters A.M. v. A.K., Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, September 18, 2020 - The Adoption Law Firm
The Adoption Law Firm updated their info in the about section.
Next week!!!
Our latest blog post...the risks of having a child custody case overturned in appeal...
Don't Risk Having a Child Custody Case Overturned on Appeal - The Adoption Law Firm
Come learn about adoption on 1/21/21!
We have launched a podcast! Our first episode is live!! Take a listen to "How Much Does Adoption Cost?"
How Much Does Adoption Cost | Podcast - The Adoption Law Firm
Appeal reversals on the newest blog post...
Sometimes, a trial court’s failure to hear a party’s postjudgment motion can lead to reversal on appeal. - The Adoption Law Firm
Our 2nd podcast is here! How do you fund an adoption? This is a subject heavy on many people’s minds and hearts when they consider an adoption:
How Do You Fund an Adoption? - The Adoption Law Firm
What happens when biological parents move to another state under a custody agreement? It's addressed in our current blog post...
When Biological Parents Move to Another State under Custody Agreement - The Adoption Law Firm
If you’re an Apple person...you can subscribe to our podcast and you won’t miss an episode that way:
The Adoption Law Firm Podcast on Apple Podcasts
Latest blog post from an employee and adoptive mom.
An Open Letter to a Chinese Birth Mom - The Adoption Law Firm
Episode 3 of the podcast is up now regarding birth parent rights in adoptions.
Don’t miss an episode by subscribing on Apple or Spotify!! And we’d be honored if you shared with your friends.
Birth Parent Rights in Adoption - The Adoption Law Firm
The podcast is also on Spotify now...follow us there or Apple podcast!
The Adoption Law Firm Podcast - Samuel
DHR acting in good faith on the blog today...
DHR may enjoy immunity for its actions—if it acts in good faith. - The Adoption Law Firm
Join us Thursday night!
Today’s blog post is to the Christian church.
A Call to the Christian Church - The Adoption Law Firm
We talk foster care adoption on the latest podcast. Take a listen!
Foster Care Adoption - The Adoption Law Firm
Dear Adoption Community,
We are in need of your help finding an adoptive home for a 10-year old girl - currently living in Southeast United States.
Please contact Michele Willis for more information: willis@theadoptionfirm.com
Alabama children need families...new blog is up.
Alabama Children Need Families - The Adoption Law Firm
Podcast #5 is about Transracial Adoption...check it out!
Transracial Adoption - The Adoption Law Firm
Guest blogger for our latest blog post!
James 1:27. How it all comes together with Both Hands. - The Adoption Law Firm
Congratulations to our favorite Editor-in-Chief, Rebecca Smith!
Joseph Antonio Holley is with Rebecca Smith and 2 others.
February 7 at 7:11 PM ·
Please join me in welcoming Faulkner Law Review's newest Editorial Board for the 2021-2022 Academic Year!! Congratulations to the Editor-In-Chief Rebecca Smith; Managing Editor JB Neuhoff; Executive Editor Katrinnah Harding; and Articles Editors Soren Geiger and Seth Kochera! The Law Review is in great hands with these amazing young legal minds ☺️
Today's blog post...Baby Q
Alabama Legislators Urge the Alabama Courts to Enforce Amendment 930 and The Human Life Protection Act - The Adoption Law Firm
So proud of our Top Litigation Consultant, Rebecca Smith!
Joseph Antonio Holley is with Rebecca Smith and 2 others.
February 7 at 7:11 PM ·
Please join me in welcoming Faulkner Law Review's newest Editorial Board for the 2021-2022 Academic Year!! Congratulations to the Editor-In-Chief Rebecca Smith; Managing Editor JB Neuhoff; Executive Editor Katrinnah Harding; and Articles Editors Soren Geiger and Seth Kochera! The Law Review is in great hands with these amazing young legal minds ☺️
Small things that cause big consequences on today's blog post...
Small issues can have big consequences - The Adoption Law Firm
Guest post in the blog today.
This Hard Calling - Pro-Life Talk - Guest Post - The Adoption Law Firm
Episode 6 of the podcast is up now...the history of adoption and Biblical basis for orphan care!
History of Adoption and the Biblical Basis for Orphan Care - The Adoption Law Firm
So proud of our Top Litigation Consultant, Rebecca Smith!
Joseph Antonio Holley is with Rebecca Smith and 2 others.
February 7 at 7:11 PM ·
Please join me in welcoming Faulkner Law Review's newest Editorial Board for the 2021-2022 Academic Year!! Congratulations to the Editor-In-Chief Rebecca Smith; Managing Editor JB Neuhoff; Executive Editor Katrinnah Harding; and Articles Editors Soren Geiger and Seth Kochera! The Law Review is in great hands with these amazing young legal minds ☺️
Small things that cause big consequences on today's blog post...
Small issues can have big consequences - The Adoption Law Firm
New talent in the pipeline...
Mary Beth Perry McLure is with Sam McLure.
February 17 at 10:51 AM ·
I’ve been taking new headshots for the firm and this one snuck in. 😍☺️
Apparently we are not allowed to hire nine year olds, which is a shame because he is full of good ideas and looks pretty sharp in tweed.
We are grateful to get to be a part of forever families! Congratulations to the Walker family!!!
Butch Walker is with Sam McLure.
February 13, 2020 at 12:02 PM ·
We got finally got through the adoption process in the Probate Court of Lawrence County, Alabama! Thanks to Sam McClure,Esq., and Judge Greg Dutton, Maui has the same last name as his little sister Raven! Now, maybe people can pronounce his last name “Walker.”
Caring for birth parents is a priority so we did a podcast about it.
Caring for Birth Parents - The Adoption Law Firm
Make sure you have proper representation in legal matters. It makes a difference.
Alabama Supreme Court Narrowly Rules Six Days is Enough to Prepare for Trial - The Adoption Law Firm
Guest post in the blog today.
This Hard Calling - Pro-Life Talk - Guest Post - The Adoption Law Firm
Episode 6 of the podcast is up now...the history of adoption and Biblical basis for orphan care!
History of Adoption and the Biblical Basis for Orphan Care - The Adoption Law Firm
New talent in the pipeline...
Mary Beth Perry McLure is with Sam McLure.
February 17 at 10:51 AM ·
I’ve been taking new headshots for the firm and this one snuck in. 😍☺️
Apparently we are not allowed to hire nine year olds, which is a shame because he is full of good ideas and looks pretty sharp in tweed.
Excited to have Bethany Garth from First Choice Women's Medical Center on the Podcast...
Special Guest: Bethany Garth on Treating Birth Parents with Love and Respect - The Adoption Law Firm
We are grateful to get to be a part of forever families! Congratulations to the Walker family!!!
Butch Walker is with Sam McLure.
February 13, 2020 at 12:02 PM ·
We got finally got through the adoption process in the Probate Court of Lawrence County, Alabama! Thanks to Sam McClure,Esq., and Judge Greg Dutton, Maui has the same last name as his little sister Raven! Now, maybe people can pronounce his last name “Walker.”
Caring for birth parents is a priority so we did a podcast about it.
Caring for Birth Parents - The Adoption Law Firm
Make sure you have proper representation in legal matters. It makes a difference.
Alabama Supreme Court Narrowly Rules Six Days is Enough to Prepare for Trial - The Adoption Law Firm
Guest post in the blog today.
This Hard Calling - Pro-Life Talk - Guest Post - The Adoption Law Firm
We are so thankful for the talented team we have been blessed with, particularly out of our local higher education institutions, Jones School of Law and AUM.
We have some very talented staff who are students in the Honors Program at AUM and Dakota Mills is one of them...
New podcast is up regarding Step-parent adoption!
Step-Parent/Grandparent Adoption – The Basics - The Adoption Law Firm
We are so thankful for the talented team we have been blessed with, particularly out of our local higher education institutions, Jones School of Law and AUM.
We have some very talented staff who are students in the Honors Program at AUM and Dakota Mills is one of them...
THU, APR 15 AT 6:30 PM CDT
Learn About Adoption
New podcast is up regarding Step-parent adoption!
Step-Parent/Grandparent Adoption – The Basics - The Adoption Law Firm
Happy faces for this windy, cloudy Monday!
We are thankful for the privilege of working with this beautiful family.
Congratulations to a lovely daughter and her wonderful parents!
Excited to have Bethany Garth from First Choice Women's Medical Center on the Podcast...
Special Guest: Bethany Garth on Treating Birth Parents with Love and Respect - The Adoption Law Firm
We are grateful to get to be a part of forever families! Congratulations to the Walker family!!!
Butch Walker is with Sam McLure.
February 13, 2020 at 12:02 PM ·
We got finally got through the adoption process in the Probate Court of Lawrence County, Alabama! Thanks to Sam McClure,Esq., and Judge Greg Dutton, Maui has the same last name as his little sister Raven! Now, maybe people can pronounce his last name “Walker.”
We are so thankful for the talented team we have been blessed with, particularly out of our local higher education institutions, Jones School of Law and AUM.
We have some very talented staff who are students in the Honors Program at AUM and Dakota Mills is one of them...
The latest podcast episode is about navigating the foster care system and adoption! Thank you for listening and subscribing and sharing!
Navigating the Foster Care System and Adoption - The Adoption Law Firm
THU, APR 15 AT 6:30 PM CDT
Learn About Adoption
New podcast is up regarding Step-parent adoption!
Step-Parent/Grandparent Adoption – The Basics - The Adoption Law Firm
Happy faces for this windy, cloudy Monday!
We are thankful for the privilege of working with this beautiful family.
Congratulations to a lovely daughter and her wonderful parents!
Excited to have Bethany Garth from First Choice Women's Medical Center on the Podcast...
Special Guest: Bethany Garth on Treating Birth Parents with Love and Respect - The Adoption Law Firm
We are so thankful for the talented team we have been blessed with, particularly out of our local higher education institutions, Jones School of Law and AUM.
We have some very talented staff who are students in the Honors Program at AUM and Dakota Mills is one of them...
The latest podcast episode is about navigating the foster care system and adoption! Thank you for listening and subscribing and sharing!
Navigating the Foster Care System and Adoption - The Adoption Law Firm
THU, APR 15 AT 6:30 PM CDT
Learn About Adoption
New podcast is up regarding Step-parent adoption!
Step-Parent/Grandparent Adoption – The Basics - The Adoption Law Firm
Happy faces for this windy, cloudy Monday!
We are thankful for the privilege of working with this beautiful family.
Congratulations to a lovely daughter and her wonderful parents!
Excited to have Bethany Garth from First Choice Women's Medical Center on the Podcast...
Special Guest: Bethany Garth on Treating Birth Parents with Love and Respect - The Adoption Law Firm