I’m excited to announce my agency now offers Allstate® Phone Protection Plus! It covers your phone from life’s everyday accidents, common malfunctions, PLUS much more. Call me today to try it risk-free for 30 days.
By learning life skills, such as empathy, resilience and stress-management, we can equip young people to respond to the ever-changing world. Read how The Allstate Foundation is partnering with CASEL to empower youth through social and emotional learning – and learn four ways you can help.
Inspire Future Leaders Through Social and Emotional Learning | The Allstate Foundation
Meet our newest member of Lupoli insurance!! Congratulations Albert Maio! We are so excited to have you! @Albert Chicky Maio!
Before you start dreaming of toasted marshmallows, here’s what else to consider about planning a fire pit.
What to Consider About a Backyard Fire Pit | Allstate
Window screens and potted plants are just a few examples of items that could pose danger to your pet. Learn more.
Household Items That Can Be Dangerous to a Pet's Safety | Allstate
Have you ever read your insurance policy and wondered what terms like HO-3 or HO-4 mean? Learn about home insurance forms here.
Types of Home Insurance Policy Forms | Allstate
Your world can change in an instant. Make sure your family is protected from life’s uncertainties with Allstate life insurance. Give me a call today.
As you look toward 2021 and beyond, now is a great time to review your finances to make sure you're on track to reach your goals. For a complimentary financial review, call me today.
Help pass down a bright financial future to your loved ones. Call me to find out how Allstate life insurance can help.
Part of protecting people is bringing communities together and encouraging conversations. Using 5 simple principles, people are learning how to turn arguments into constructive discussions. And you can too, at betterarguments.org – a partner of Allstate.
Expecting a tax refund this year? With TurboTax, you’ll get your maximum refund, guaranteed. Allstate has special savings on TurboTax just for you: http://al.st/2WNDCOc
Do you know a teacher who needs funding support for an innovative social and emotional learning classroom project? Share this link to invite them to submit the project to DonorsChoose. Donations made to these projects will be matched dollar-for-dollar by The Allstate Foundation. http://al.st/2MpZKMC
Allstate Benefits can help your employees and their families prepare for the future with Group Universal Life Insurance. And they’ll get lower, group rates that are only available through you, their employer. Contact my agency to learn more.
Universal Life Insurance I Allstate Benefits
Allstate Benefits puede ayudar a sus empleados a prepararse para el futuro con el Seguro de Vida Universal Grupal. Y obtendrán tarifas de grupo más bajas que sólo están disponibles a través de usted, su empleador. Póngase en contacto con mi agencia para obtener más.
Seguro de Vida Universal Grupal de Allstate Benefits
Home is not a safe place for everyone. The pandemic has forced domestic violence victims to isolate at home with their abusers and limited their access to get help. Join me and The Allstate Foundation in supporting the Domestic Violence Response Fund to raise critical funds to support these survivors with resources and shelter. #CallForCourage https://al.st/2JqHTUT
It's officially winter! With a new season upon us, please let us know if you have any new insurance needs. We're here to help!