When residents and business owners living throughout southeastern Nebraska find themselves in need of legal representation, they turn to the law office of Smith Schafer Davis & Gaertig LLC. Located in Beatrice, these Nebraskan born attorneys are dedicated to fighting for those in their community by offering first-rate legal services at prices you can afford.
Established in 1885, this firm has set themselves apart from other local law offices by extending their support to community projects throughout their home state. They have built a reputation for providing prompt and compassionate service and work closely with each client so you know exactly what to expect moving forward. The attorneys at this firm have the knowledge and experience needed to offer counsel in a variety of areas of the law, including:
* Business
* Family
* Real estate
* Probate
* Personal injury
When you need a lawyer who will give your case the attention it deserves, turn to the seasoned team at Smith Schafer Davis & Gaertig. To speak with a staff member about scheduling a consultation with one of their attorneys, call (402) 223-5257 today. For more information about their practice areas, visit them online.