Smith Preparatory Academy

(on palm springs drive)
Colleges & Universities in Altamonte Springs, FL
Colleges & Universities


8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM
8:00AM - 4:00PM


1021 Palm Springs Drive
Altamonte Springs, FL


Smith Prep seeks to provide students in grades K-12 with the highest quality Christian classical education, to cultivate Christian virtue, and to promote the recovery of Christian humanism. Still committed to our homeschooling roots, our school embraces a blended paradigm. Our students attend classes one or two days a week and work at home the remainder of the time. We combine the best parts of a traditional homeschooling experience with that of a classical private school education. Grounded in a partnership with our families, we are able to see students flourish beyond what could typically be achieved in a traditional five day a week program.


  • Christian School K-12


"There are moments in the history of education at which to achieve a particular manner and music—a desire to learn for wisdom and virtue rather than grades and jobs, a demeanor of wonder and humility towards tradition, a posture of contemplation rather than “covering material”—is more important than to deliver any message . . . even a message that sets the teacher’s heart a-quivering, like the extraordinary subversion of the epic tradition to Christianity in Paradise Lost or the stunning mathematical elegance of Brunelleschi’s dome." https://www.circeinstitute.org/blog/classical-pedagogy-and-poetic-tradition-manner-or-message?fbclid=IwAR3NAY35McQQCRE-Mi9HAp4wJFvMw3QUAL0uXoAcLLdxrWhVKy45ePWg5IE
Another wonderful week at Smith Prep!
Community gardening is one of the many projects being undertaken at Smith Prep. Last Monday students prepped and planted at the end of the school day.
Excellent thoughts about classical education and the roles between teacher and student. Moms and dads, pay attention to these words! CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG Do As I Do: Some Thoughts on Mimesis in the Classroom
As the new school starts and our students begin memorizing catechism questions and answers, timelines, speeches, poems, and other significant material this article will help us remember how important memorization can be to human formation and flourishing. CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG How Memorization Has Helped Me Endure
For the love of learning we need to disciple our children and require obedience. DESIRINGGOD.ORG Parents, Require Obedience of Your Children
Meet Remus and Romulus, a pair of sugar gliders residing at Smith Prep. We believe having these interesting animals provides students with a chance to model compassion and responsibility. Did you know? Sugar Gliders can survive up to 9 years in the wild. They are called Sugar Gliders because they love eating sweet nectar and fruit. In the wild, they mostly spend their lives on trees and can glide up to 150 feet! They are related to possums and are not rodents (who gnaw to control the growth of their teeth) Like Kangaroos, Sugar Gliders have a pouch for their young.
This morning we had the privilege of hosting Josh Bales, a priest at The Cathedral of St. Luke's. He addressed our Reformations and lectures on the significance of the English Reformation. Thank you Josh!
Who knew back to school could be so much fun? Here are our students enjoying the annual Back to School Retreat.
Students are back on campus after our Fall Reading Days week.
Congrats to Aquinas House for winning at House Game Day! A very special thanks to Michael Phillips for facilitating Upper School games, Jason Ricks for organizing Lower School games, and Melissa Phillips and Gracie Riddle for making our Homecoming Dance amazing! #smithprep #housegameday
We are serious about the ancient languages. The article below is why. ANCIENTLANGUAGE.COM Classical Schools Aren't Really Classical | Ancient Language Institute
Welcome to our new school pet, Grindle, who resides in the science classroom. Grindle is a hybrid tegu, Argentine bw x Argentine red.
Our headmaster will be preaching at Christ United Fellowship. Join him either online or in person at 10:15am. Christ United Fellowship
"Theologian Oscar Cullmann famously compared the Christian life to the stretch between D-Day and V-Day: victory assured, but still being accomplished. If this Christmas finds you embroiled in the skirmishes against sin and fear and weakness and death, take heart. The battle itself testifies that your soul has joined with Christ in the fight: now, in the lovely old words, stick to the tent that He hath pight. Within His manger you’ll find safe ward, for He Himself will be your guard—that little Babe, heavenly Boy, by whom at last you’ll foil even these foes with joy." Merry Christmas! CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG Incarnation as Alarum: Benjamin Britten's "This Little Babe" | Circe Institute
Merry Christmas from our faculty to your family! THEGOSPELCOALITION.ORG 9 Things You Should Know About the Christmas Story
Our Headmaster, Michael Phillips, preached a sermon about Thanksgiving from Psalm 100 to finish off the 2020 year. The sermon was preached at Christ United Fellowship (PCA) on December 27, 2020. Christ United Fellowship was live. December 27, 2020 at 11:15 AM · Welcome to worship! This week we close out 2020 with a sermon focused on Thanksgiving from Psalms 100:1-5 Christ United Fellowship, under the leadership of Pastor Michael Aitcheson, is a ministry located in downtown Orlando joyfully serving our generation through Christ-centered preaching, hospitality, service, diverse community and reverent worship. **Thank you for watching and supporting our ministry. You may give online at this secure online giving portal: https://www.simplechurchgiving.net/App/Giving/cuf Make sure to like, subscribe, leave a comment and follow Christ United Fellowship @CUForlando on social media channels. We would love to connect and fellowship with you. Vision & Mission We are a gospel-centered diverse church where anyone is welcome to come experience, be transformed by and share the love of Christ. Our mission is to extend the kingdom of God by making disciples in Orlando and beyond.
PATHEOS.COM Research Shows Benefits of a Classical Christian Education
Prayer for New Year's Day A BCP prayer for your holiday. Eternal Father, you gave to your incarnate Son the holy name of Jesus to be the sign of our salvation: Plant in every heart, we pray, the love of him who is the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. BCP
Our field trip to the Orlando Science Center was out of this world!
What every parent should consider... Smith Preparatory Academy June 6, 2017 at 12:45 PM · Smith Preparatory Academy is a proud Member School of the Association of Classical Christian Schools (classicalchristian.org). Our program combines the best of homeschooling with that of a private school experience. If you are still looking for a program to serve your family we still have several open classes. Visit www.SmithPrep.com and call us to set up an appointment to speak with our administration today.
"The fundamental function of education is to turn the eyes of the soul around and direct them to the light. Education causes us to see and think differently, and to perceive the world as illuminated by the truth. It changes our tastes and encourages us to wholeheartedly pursue that which is true, beautiful and good. Rightly understood, education becomes a quest for wisdom and virtue. It cultivates a longing for and understanding of the truth, enabling us to choose what is good not simply because it is morally right, but as a matter of taste." CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG Education in the Republic
"As Leonhardt points out, Latin is not simply a “dead language.” More precisely, Latin is a fixed literary language that was used as a common language or lingua franca in the western Mediterranean and, later, around the world. Latin is fixed because in the first century BC when a literary canon of ideal Latin style was defined, Latin stopped evolving as languages naturally do. For many centuries afterward it was learned in school as a non-native language wherever in the world Graeco-Roman culture spread, and these diverse peoples used Latin as a common language to communicate with each other and to share a common culture." CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG What is So Great about Latin?
Our 5th/6th grade class performed a great rendition of Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound.
This is a very insightful article. One that we encourage all our families to consider. CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG What Texting Has Done To Student Writing
CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG 4 Elevator Pitches For Classical Education
Is your child headed to Kindergarten next fall? See what skills are needed to ensure a smooth start to their school years. Download your checklist! Click the link to learn more. https://offers.smithprep.com/kindergarten-readiness-a-checklist-for-parents
WED, FEB 17 Prospective Parent Reception
Hoedown photos
Our third annual Hoedown was last evening. We had animals, games, hayride, and a bon fire!
A great reading list for families, students, and adults. SOCIETYFORCLASSICALLEARNING.ORG On the Reading of New (and Old) Books - The Society for Classical Learning
Print the Kindergarten Readiness Checklist and keep track of skills your child has mastered as they move toward the start of their Kindergarten year. Click the link to download your free resource! https://offers.smithprep.com/kindergarten-readiness-a-checklist-for-parents
"Taste and see Ronja’s kindness, Mole’s loyalty, Peter Pan’s wonder. Taste and see the open window, the hand-hewn bed, your father running barefoot, your supper steaming on the bedside table. Feast upon the Word incarnate; feast upon the Types embodied in your storybooks. Oh, taste and see, little one! Taste and see." CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG Bedtime Stories, Childhood Feasts
CIRCEINSTITUTE.ORG Introducing St. Patrick


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Smith Preparatory Academy
Colleges & Universities


  • What is the phone number for Smith Preparatory Academy in Altamonte Springs FL?
    You can reach them at: 407-260-0157. It’s best to call Smith Preparatory Academy during business hours.
  • What is the address for Smith Preparatory Academy on palm springs drive in Altamonte Springs?
    Smith Preparatory Academy is located at this address: 1021 Palm Springs Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701.
  • What are Smith Preparatory Academy(Altamonte Springs, FL) store hours?
    Smith Preparatory Academy store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 8:00AM - 4:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.