Update to California Rules of Court - As a result of the global pandemic, many changes have been surfacing within the court system. The most recent being an amendment to "Appendix I, Emergency Rules Related to COVID-19"
As it relates to Family Court, Rule 13 provides clarification regarding support modification requests and the date of retroactivity. This amendment permits a request for modification of support to be retroactive to the date of preparation and mailing/service to the other party. This amendment clarifies the ongoing concern with many courts facing closures and limited ability to file documents upon receipt.
For a complete list of all Amendments visit https://www.courts.ca.gov/documents/appendix-i.pdf
Information regarding court closures and how to manage courtroom appearances can be found at our website www.sherlockclark.com
Notice: The Placer County Family Law Facilitator and Self Help Center has established methods to keep people informed and continue to provide assistance to those without Counsel. The Following is a message from the Self Help Center at the Placer County Superior Court:
The Self-Help Center is only offering remote telephone and video appointments at this time. Our staff remain available to assist customers with the emergency issues the Court is currently hearing: restraining orders, emergency custody issues, temporary guardianship, and temporary conservatorship.
Customers can also visit the Court’s website and click on the “Contact Us” link to send the Self-Help Center an email regarding their case. Our staff will review the email and respond to the customer as soon as possible. Detailed information on the Self-Help Center and specific links to Odyssey Guide & File reference below can be found HERE
In our effort to communicate and keep the public informed, we have updated the Self-Help Center website to reflect the temporary changes to services. We have added a link on our website to Odyssey Guide & File for customers to prepare legal documents at home.
The Odyssey Guide & File app will conduct a virtual interview with the court user where the responses will then be used to automatically populate and generate forms. The court user can print out or save the generated forms and file them with the Court. Odyssey Guide & File offers court users assistance in filling out requests for restraining orders including requests for domestic violence, civil harassment, and elder abuse restraining orders. This resource will be especially helpful during this time. Odyssey Guide & File also offers assistance on a number of other forms including divorce, legal separation, nullity, evictions, name changes, guardianship and limited conservatorship, parentage cases, and small claims. We will also send out tweets via the Court’s twitter account to update customers of the services we are now offering.
Additionally, The Self-Help Center website now includes newly revised cover-sheets for all cases for which we normally provide assistance. The cover-sheets provide the customers with direct links to the local and Judicial Council forms. The cover-sheets provide step by step instruction for the customers as well as additional resources such as Odyssey Guide & File.
As of today, 03/24/2020 the following information has been updated for the Sacramento County Superior Court as it relates to Family Law and Probate:
For limited emergency matters enumerated below, parties can file such requests at the Downtown Gordon D. Schaber Courthouse (720 9th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814) via the court drop box. The drop box is located inside the facility at the 8th Street entrance door. Drop box hours are Monday through Friday, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Parties can pick up their orders and documents at 4:00 pm on the day their documents were deposited.
Family Law
• Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse Restraining Order
• Family Emergency Temporary Restraining Order &
Emergency Family Law Ex Partes
• Emergency Petitions for Temporary Conservatorship
• Emergency Petitions for Temporary Guardianship
Roseville, CA (PLACER COUNTY) March 22, 2020 – Following an announcement by California Governor Gavin Newsom ordering “Shelter in Place” for California residents due to the COVID-19 pandemic many local courts have been significantly impacted.*
These are unprecedented and difficult times for all people, whether struggling to complete a divorce matter, litigating over child custody and visitation or addressing immediate safety needs contained within a restraining order. Amidst the state of emergency, the attorneys at sherlock // anderson, pc continue to be available for current and new clients for all family law matters by phone 916-757-6630, email: jsherlock@sherlockanderson.com or sanderson@sherlockanderson.com ; or visiting the website www.sherlockclark.com
The information below describes the current status of Placer and Sacramento Family Court. Should a situation arise where someone needs protection from domestic violence or keeping a child safe, an attorney can be available to address requests and objections to emergency orders. In addition, any person considering a divorce, or struggling with an ongoing dissolution should not hesitate to reach out. At the time of drafting this release the courts continue to accept new filings and set dates for non-emergency matters. In an event where a court does close the doors to all matters, sherlock // anderson, pc encourages people to contact an attorney now to be prepared for the influx and avoid the chaos that will ensure when business returns to normal.
According to the most recent order dated 03/20/2020 In Placer County the court will focus efforts on matters involving civil liberties, restraining orders and similar emergency matters. Related to Family Court those matters include:
- Family Law Domestic Violence Restraining order
- Temporary Guardianship
- Adoptions,
- Freedom from custody and control, and termination of
parental rights
All other family law matters, including child custody, support and contempt matters, set between 03/23/2020 and 04/10/2020 will be postponed eight weeks. The court will provide notice.
The most recent Sacramento Family Court order effective 03/20/2020 as it relates to Family Court states: All courthouses and courtrooms are closed for judicial business from 03/18/2020 to 04/16/2020 except for the following matters, and only through the special procedures announced by the Court:
- Ex parte requests for, domestic violence restraining
- Emergency Petitions for Temporary Guardianship;
- Family Emergency Temporary Restraining Orders
Specific details for each court are being released on a regular basis and can be viewed by visiting https://newsroom.courts.ca.gov/news/court-emergency-orders-6794321 and following the link to each individual courthouse.
Roseville Family Law, Divorce Attorneys – Sherlock // Anderson PC
At Sherlock // Anderson, PC, our lawyers understand that legal problems don't happen every day. Call 916.757.6630 for a free consultation.
Roseville Family Law, Divorce Attorneys – Sherlock // Anderson PC
At Sherlock // Anderson, PC, our lawyers understand that legal problems don't happen every day. Call 916.757.6630 for a free consultation.
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