Using your teeth as a tool can cause serious injury (chips, cracks, loose restorations, and jaw joint stress). Please, take a second to grab the right tool to keep your smile healthy & beautiful! #teetharenttools #takecareofyourteeth #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare
Talk to us about what you’d like to change about your smile. Some options are surprisingly quick and inexpensive! #smile #perfectsmile #inexpensive #dentalwork #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare
Did you know that gum disease is the #1 cause of tooth loss ... & with almost 1/2 of us experiencing symptoms, we’ve just got to stay on track by brushing twice a day & flossing once ... and getting professional dental care at least every 6 months. We’re here to help! Call us ... & together, we’ll keep your smile bright & healthy! #didyouknow #NationalGumCareMonth #dentalcare #dentalhealth #brushyourteeth #brushandfloss #smile #healthysmile #RoswellDentalCare
“The harder you work, the luckier you get.” Funny, but true! Wishing you all success, prosperity, joy in everything you do ... and a relaxing Labor Day! #LaborDay #HappyLaborDay #hardworkpaysoff #success #prosperity #joy #RoswellDentalCare
Your #oralhealth is linked to your overall health, including that of your lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, bones, pancreas, and more! Your #1 defence is excellent daily home care and regular dental visits. Make sure your next appointment is booked! #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare
As soon as they have teeth that touch, kids need to floss! Lead by example and lend a helping hand. Ask us if you need tips! #dentaltips #dentalcare #dentalhealth #brushyourteeth #brushandfloss #RoswellDentalCare
It's National Dental Hygiene Month & we're celebrating! Oral health is directly connected to your overall health, and we're so happy you've chosen us to help you achieve the best of both! Celebrate by flashing your healthy smile ... take a selfie, post on social media, & tag our office & use #DentalHygieneMonth! #smile #flashyoursmile #beautifulsmile #dentalcare #dentalhealth
Roswell Dental Care
October 2 at 9:15 AM ·
Do an act of kindness... Help one person SMILE! #smile #kindness #bekind #dogood #helpapersonsmile #spreadkindness #WorldSmileDay #RoswellDentalCare
Do an act of kindness... Help one person SMILE! #smile #kindness #bekind #dogood #helpapersonsmile #spreadkindness #WorldSmileDay #RoswellDentalCare
This young lady drives all the way from Kennesaw to see Dr. Remaley we appreciate you Amber! #⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #Roswelldentalcare #Dr.Remaley #welove ourpatients
Isn’t that an incredible statistic? That’s why your home-care routine is so important. Keep up the good daily brushing & flossing! #didyouknow #dentalroutine #dentalcare #dentalhealth #brushyourteeth #brushandfloss #RoswellDentalCare
You might not realize it, but we do oral cancer screenings at your regular recare appointments. Take good care of yourself – early diagnosis greatly reduces risk of disfigurement & death. #oralcancerscreening #oralhealthexam #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare
So many teeth. So many options. Ask us about the possibilities for your beautiful smile! #smile #perfectsmile #beautifulsmile #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist
Do you or a loved one suffer from teeth grinding or clenching? Treatment from us and what you can do at home will protect your smile and help you get relief. Read up: #bruxism #saveyoursmile #nightguards #protection #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist
Bruxism Nightguards | Roswell Dental Care
Don’t you hate remembering to floss ‘til you’re lying in bed? Here’s a super hint that works: Do it right after dinner. Bonus: evening snacking drops right off! #dentaltips #brushyourteeth #brushandfloss #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist
Don’t you wish we could? :) While we can’t do chocolate, we can do the next best thing … beautiful, tooth-colored restorations. Ask us about them! #restorations #fillings #dentalfillings #smile #perfectsmile #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist
Are you considering Botox to reverse the signs of aging or combat TMJ disorders? Did you know you we provide this treatment? Read all about it here: #Botox #TMJ #TMD #smile #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist
Botox | Roswell Dental Care
Mmmm… coffee! It’s one of the top teeth-staining beverages out there. To lessen the risk, add milk or choose decaffeinated! #didyouknow #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist
Establishing the best oral health habits at home at an early age and visiting us regularly for cleanings and checkups will help your children establish a routine that will go a long way toward a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. Please make sure your kids are booked for their next recall. If not, give us a call today! We’re always here for you! #dentalcare #dentalhealth #oralcare #oralhealth #dentistforyourkids #NationalChildrensDentalHealthMonth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist #BestDentistinNorthAtlanta
Our mission is always to help you reach and keep your best possible oral health through diagnostic assessment, prevention, and education. Here’s how we’ll develop your personalized oral hygiene care plan based on YOUR needs... #oralhealth #beautifulsmile #dentistry #dentalcare #dentalhealth #oralcare #oralhealth #dentalhygiene #oralhygiene #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist #BestDentistinNorthAtlanta
Ever had some orange juice after you’ve brushed your teeth? Ugh! Awful! Here’s why… On each of our 2-4,000 taste buds, there are 10-50 receptors. Food molecules of particular shapes match to taste receptors of the same shape. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (used to make our toothpaste bubbly) disrupts these pairings, making the receptors more sensitive to the orange juice’s bitter flavors, supressing its sweetness. To avoid such nastiness, we don’t suggest not brushing your teeth… Just get the timing right! 😉 #didyouknow #funfact #dentalcare #dentalhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist #BestDentistinNorthAtlanta
Oral cancer is something we all need to know about as over 56,000 North Americans will be diagnosed this year, and of those, nearly 11,000 will die because of it. The key is to catch it in its early stages and begin treatment immediately. One more reason to keep your recall appointments – we do an oral cancer check every time! #health #prevention #oralcancer #dentalcare #dentalhealth #oralcare #oralhealth #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist #BestDentistinNorthAtlanta
A little tongue “scraping” goes a long way! 😜 It’s the easiest & quickest step in your daily oral hygiene routine & it cleans away bacteria, removes coating, eliminates undigested food particles, enhances sense of taste, promotes oral & digestive health & helps keep your breath fresh. Do you do it? #dentaltips #dentalcare #dentalhealth #oralcare #oralhealth #tonguescraping #oralhygiene #dentalhygiene #dentalroutine #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist #BestDentistinNorthAtlanta
With the modern dental materials now at your disposal, there’s no need to advertise your dental work! Talk to us about replacing those silver-colored fillings with the natural strength and sheen of inlays and onlays. Here's a bit about these natural-looking alternative... #beautiful #dentistry #brightsmile #inlays #onlays #dentalcare #dentalhealth #oralcare #oralhealth #restorativedentistry #RoswellDentalCare #RoswellDentist #BestDentistinNorthAtlanta