In a moment's notice, could you locate your most important files such as tax returns, wills and birth certificates? With the vault feature within Allstate My Money, you can. Contact me today to get started.
Allstate My Money: Secure Vault| Allstate
Did you know that the required minimum distribution (RMD) age increased to 72? Contact me today to understand how this impacts you and your retirement plan.
Are you one of the 72% of people over the age of 50 who wish they understood Medicare better? Who can blame you, it's complicated. Let's work through it together. Contact me to find out how.
The Department of Labor estimates scammers could account for $26 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims. And, Allstate Identity Protection saw these claims increase by 37 times from the same time last year. Learn how to help protect your identity here.
What to Do When Your Identity Is Stolen | The Allstate Blog
Wildfires often come out of nowhere. But this article from the Allstate Blog can help you prepare for them:
It's best to have a plan in place for hurricane season. This article from the Allstate Blog can help you make one: