San Diego CA pet friendly apartment for rent in a gated community. For anyone who’s been searching for a pet friendly rental, we have the rental for you! From an attached two car garage and an option to use extra space as a bedroom, office, or workout room, this pet friendly apartment is located in one of San Diego’s oldest neighborhoods. To learn more about this #PetFriendly #RentalProperty located in #SanDiego that is #MoveInReady read our featured property article:
San Diego CA Pet Friendly Apartment - For Rent in Logan Heights
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement #RentalProperty - As companies in San Diego experience layoffs due to COVID-19, more people face the prospect of no longer being able to pay rent. For this reason, knowing what to do as a result of missed rent payments is important. With no foreseeable end to this crisis, having a rent collection strategy is a necessity. Here we offer a guide on #rentcollection amid #COVID19:
Rent Collection Amid COVID-19 - A Guide For Collecting The Rent
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement #COVID19 - Wondering how the Tenant Relief Act of 2020 affects your rental properties? Under the Tenant Relief Act of 2020, tenants can stay in their homes through January 31, 2021, but need to come up with 25% of the rent. But only for missed rents between September 1, and January 31. What this means is that tenants must pay 25% of rent within that period or lose eviction protection. In other words, they will be open to eviction. Learn all you need to know here:
Tenant Relief Act of 2020 - COVID-19 Tenant Relief Act Explained
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement #PropertyMaintenance - One of the main reasons some #landlords do not succeed, is because they are reactive instead of proactive with rental maintenance tasks. Whether you own an apartment building or a single-family home, rental property maintenance is essential to keep your property values up, and your tenants safe and satisfied. Whether you are looking for tips on how to streamline your process, or how to keep up with maintenance requests, here we try to cover all the basics:
Rental Property Maintenance Guide - How to Maintain Rental Properties
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement - Managing a rental in San Diego today isn’t easy. Especially when you consider the unemployment benefits that have proven so important have now lapsed. With renters more concerned than ever. And landlords equally concerned, knowing how to keep your rental business running smoothly is very important. What you need most right now is information that you can put into action right away. That’s because managing a rental in San Diego comes with some extra challenges. For this reason, here is what you need to know about temporary rent freezes and eviction moratoriums:
Managing A Rental In San Diego - Rent Freezes & Eviction Moratoriums
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement #Tips for #Landlords - COVID-19 has changed everything for landlords and property managers. With unpaid rent and unprecedented unemployment rates, the property management industry as well as landlords are particularly affected.
Property Management Tips For Landlords During COVID-19 - Retention
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement #Pet #Friendly #RentalProperty - With so many renters looking for pet-friendly rentals, it only makes sense to consider how allowing pets in your rentals can help you to attract more prospective tenants. But before you do, make sure you have a detailed pet policy in place. By doing so, you can limit your liability if an incident with your tenant’s pet should occur. Here we explain what you should include in your pet policy:
Pet Policy - What To Include In The Lease Agreement
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement - As a California landlord, if you are owed back-rent due to COVID-19 here is some guidance regarding rent collection under The Tenant Relief Act of 2020. Beginning October 5, 2020, you can evict a tenant if they fail to return a COVID-19 related hardship declaration. For general information on this, read our article:
Guidance Regarding Rent Collection - Tenant Relief Act of 2020
#SanDiego #PropertyManagement #FallMaintenance for #Landlords - Right now, landlords must balance social distancing restrictions with maintaining rental units. Easier said than done in the world we live in today. Under normal circumstances, fall property maintenance tasks are easy to address. But there is nothing normal about our current circumstances. For this reason, we offer some insight on how to conduct fall property maintenance here:
Fall Property Maintenance COVID-19 - Tips on Conducting Maintenance