Community program. What a great idea.
Free Wood Chip Mulch | ChipDrop
It’s a little late for a structural engineer to help with this property...
Tom Nguyen
September 21 at 5:42 PM ·
Bridging the gap.
Tara GannKansas City Area Gardening Group
September 4 at 9:14 PM ·
Not sure how many are aware of this or are taking advantage but wanted to share since it comes into my feed
This Missouri home MAY BE in need of a structural analysis....
“It happened yesterday in Norway and this is part of the report, 6 were just summer cabins and nobody was injured. A dog swam to shore and was safe. Officials said they will monitor the land and sea in the coming days.
Alta municipality, located in the country's northernmost Finnmark county, is known for its forests, mountain plateaus, coastal landscapes, and Northern Lights. They will be monitoring the land for further movement over the coming days, as well as monitoring the sea and seabed level.”
News 5 Cleveland
June 5 at 5:35 AM ·
SWEPT AWAY: Powerful landslide sweeps eight houses into the sea in the Norwegian Arctic.
No injuries were reported, and a dog that was washed into the ocean was able to swim back to land safely.
In search of similar protective equipment with a Pocket Protector for our Engineers. Please let me know if you find one.
PST Office Manager
If you haven’t done this yet, do it now.
PST Engineering
October 25, 2017 at 7:52 AM ·
The greater KC area is expecting freezing temperatures this week. Prepare your home by removing all hoses from outdoor faucets.
Wow. Our engineers have designed and evaluated tens of thousands of properties, but not one like this! That would be something to see.
A Five Story House That Hangs Off the Edge of a Cliff
Sunday night the weather on Kansas City will dip to 30 (again). Be sure to unhook your water hoses.
5 Ways to Prevent Frozen (and Bursting) Pipes | Chubb
Robin Comer
January 2 at 12:41 PM ·
“If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions...”
Third Chinese Patriarch of Zen (The Hsin Hsin Ming)
“If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinions...”
Third Chinese Patriarch of Zen (The Hsin Hsin Ming)
While you fill and hang your Hummingbird feeders, walk the perimeter of your home and look for grade and drainage concerns.
The rain water from ground and gutters should always flow away from your foundation. If it flows toward your foundation, the water can cause foundations to shift and settle.
Happy National Dog Day!
...from PST Engineering’s door greeter, Baxter!
Mandatory 10-digit dialing set to begin for Missouri area code