OUR MISSION"By the grace of God and with the power and joy of the Holy Spirit: To REACH all people with the good news of Jesus Christ; To GROW together as His followers; To SERVE God and others with all we are and have."OUR VISION"To be an ever-expanding, increasingly diverse community of believers transformed by Jesus and transforming the world around us."OUR CORE VALUESPersonal EvangelismWe believe sharing our faith is most effective and best received when it happens in the context of personal relationships.Loving RelationshipsWe believe in demonstrating our love in commitment and action.Relevant TeachingWe believe God's Word is intended to be understood and applied to daily life.Intentional DiscipleshipWe believe spiritual growth can and should be actively pursued by every believer.Total InvolvementWe believe the church is most effective when all members serve using their spiritual gifts.Outward FocusWe believe the needs of people outside the church should take priority over the preferences of those inside the church.