Emergencies happen all the time. If your pet is injured, ingests a toxic substance, or becomes ill, then bring your pet in for immediate treatment for the best possible outcome.
Keep your pets safe. They depend on YOU.
Pride Animal Hospital
June 23, 2017 at 4:15 AM ·
Pet HEAT STROKE advisory:
Pet HEAT STROKE advisory:
Dutch/Rex hybrid in for a nail trim. Lion Head rabbit with overgrown incisors trimmed back.
Dental cleaning with a growth removal/histopathology for Susie Q.
"Jock" Neary. 11-week old Scottish Terrier.
Company name
Pride Animal Hospital
What is the phone number for Pride Animal Hospital in Chandler AZ?
You can reach them at: 480-821-9338. It’s best to call Pride Animal Hospital during business hours.
What is the address for Pride Animal Hospital on dobson in Chandler?
Pride Animal Hospital is located at this address: 2950 N Dobson Rd Chandler, AZ 85224.