Did you know that personal injury attorneys can help you settle your car accident claim by as much as 50 percent higher than you can achieve on your own?
Remember, you don't have to be the injured party in a personal injury case to need the services of a lawyer. If someone is suing you, we may be able to help you prove you did nothing wrong.
When you get a severe burn injury, you should always go to a medical professional first, especially if the burn injury is bad enough to potentially be fatal. After seeing a medical professional, come to us to handle your legal case.
Most severe injuries, like brain injuries, back injuries or burn injuries, are the result of negligence or recklessness and leave both physical and emotional scars. Because of this, you are entitled to compensation for those injuries.
When photographing bruises, injuries, and scars for a personal injury claim, be sure to take one whole person shot, as well as close-ups of all injuries from more than one angle.
Determining damages in a personal injury case is much more involved than simply presenting doctor's bills. We are familiar with court-approved methods to determine your future medical needs, if any are anticipated.