Pioneer Pest Control

(on harrison)
Pest Control in Terre Haute, IN
Pest Control


9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM
9:00AM - 5:00PM


2601 Ft Harrison Rd
Terre Haute, IN


Serving the Wabash Valley for over 35 years. Locally owned and operated. We have experience in bed bugs, termites, roaches, ants, bees, spiders, etc. We look forward to taking care of your home.


Pioneer Pest Control Photo


  • Commercial Pest Control
  • Residential Pest Control
  • Bed Bugs Control
  • Bee Control
  • Wasp Infestations


Concentrate for general pests. Put in lawn and garden sprayer to do it yourself.
Termite tracks in Dry wall
DIY Bed Bug Promotion
As some of you may know the months of May-June we're crazy for our Pioneer family. We wanted to extend a big thank you to the best customers in the world for being patient with us during this time and we have loved all of the cards and words of encouragement. We pride ourselves on being a family owned and run business but at times this can make things difficult when health and safety related issues arise. Because of the changes to our situation we are changing our office hours to 10a-5p and ask that you contact us preferably by email, but our phone will still be in use it just may take time to get back to you, so remember to leave a detailed message so we can fully understand your problem. We are also in the process of training a new technician, Joe, as Matt has moved on to the Police Force! Thank you again for understanding how crazy change can be and we hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Pioneer Pest Control
Pioneer Pest Control would like to extend a big thank you to all our customers for being understanding during this hectic time. We genuinely appreciate every precaution that you have taken to keep both us and your families safe, and we promise to do the same. We continue to ask for your patience while we get back to everyone due to the influx of calls that we have had. Scheduling and treating are running as normal as possible, so don’t hesitate to Treat it with Care and call Pioneer at 812-466-1060!
Don't forget to call or email to set up appointments before Thanksgiving and Christmas.
After much consideration and consultation with health professionals, due to the increase in Covid cases and hospitalizations and our family's sensitivity we have made the difficult decision to shut down our physical office until further notice. If you are in need of an appointment or chemical please leave a message with name, phone number, address, and what type of issue you are having so we can call you back. We will be still be checking messages and please allow 24 hours for us to get back to you. You can also email us the same info at If you need to make a payment you can do so at the with PayPal. If you have any questions please leave a message or send an email. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for all the patience, kindness, and prayers you have given our family. Thank you! We really do have the best customers in the world 🌎!!
Did you know


Company name
Pioneer Pest Control
Pest Control


  • What is the phone number for Pioneer Pest Control in Terre Haute IN?
    You can reach them at: 812-466-1060. It’s best to call Pioneer Pest Control during business hours.
  • What is the address for Pioneer Pest Control on harrison in Terre Haute?
    Pioneer Pest Control is located at this address: 2601 Ft Harrison Rd Terre Haute, IN 47804.
  • What are Pioneer Pest Control(Terre Haute, IN) store hours?
    Pioneer Pest Control store hours are as follows: Mon-Fri: 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Sat-Sun: Closed.