Pinnacle Wealth Management was founded in 1998 to help clients aim toward their personal and financial goals. We believe in getting to know you personally in order to build relationships to better understand your goals and dreams. Customized Wealth Plans allow you to stay on top of your personal goals and set measurable benchmarks to pursue them.
We work toward your investment goals using our Surge & Protect Investment Strategy. This strategy potentially allows you to surge up when the market increases, but also allows some downside protection during economic declines. No strategy ensures a profit or protects against all loss. Since there is no "right" time to enter or exit the market, there is no guarantee that the investment objective mentioned here will be met. The Surge and Protect Strategy is for clients with irreplaceable capital who are seeking capital preservation over appreciation.
Pinnacle Wealth is based on the principle that knowledge and understanding of your current financial situation is vital to confidently make prudent decisions concerning your future financial condition.