Pima Canyon Realty, LLC

(on camino colina)
Real Estate Agencies in Tucson, AZ
Real Estate Agencies


4210 E Camino De La Colina
Tucson, AZ


Pima Canyon Realty, LLC is the premiere residential real estate agency in Pima County.
Don Ernle is a household name in Pima County Real Estate circles, because of his many years in this business. Don has been around both sellers and buyers markets and can adjust marketing techniques and procedures to fit the unique situation of each client.

Don Ernle is one of the most experienced and knowledgeable Real Estate agents in the Nation. Don is a distinguished Broker/Owner member of the Tucson and Arizona boards of Realtors and a member of the National Association of Realtors.

With Don's outstanding performance over the past 16 years as a top producing agent, he consistently maintains the reputation of being service-orientated and understanding.


Company name
Pima Canyon Realty, LLC
Real Estate Agencies


  • What is the phone number for Pima Canyon Realty, LLC in Tucson AZ?
    You can reach them at: 520-907-2682. It’s best to call Pima Canyon Realty, LLC during business hours.
  • What is the address for Pima Canyon Realty, LLC on camino colina in Tucson?
    Pima Canyon Realty, LLC is located at this address: 4210 E Camino De La Colina Tucson, AZ 85711.