As many of our clients continue to navigate these challenging days, we are still seeing many wonderful and creative things grow from both the youth, and adult "Recovery Through the Arts" programs. Here is a great mother and daughter art project. It’s wonderful when youth work with their family.
Passages is currently recruiting for the following positions:
General Outpatient Services Care Coordinator/Case Manager
Intensive Residential Treatment Team
Work With Passages – Passages Spokane
Spokane Regional Health District
September 17 at 2:30 PM ·
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Suicide is a hard topic to discuss, but the good news is suicide is preventable. With the stress of the pandemic, it is more important than ever to learn how to seek help for ourselves and for others. Our blog explains:
Maintaining your physical health is always of benefit to your mental health...
"As the seasons change and outdoor options for fitness and training become less accessible, it is important for Washingtonians across our state to have access to facilities where they can safely exercise indoors."
Inslee updates indoor fitness and training facility guidance | Governor Jay Inslee
Laura Van Tosh shared a post to the group: Washington Peer Counselors.
September 6 at 3:05 PM ·
I recommend because I know Meghan Caughey is an impactful speaker. Peers you assist may find this hopeful.
Meghan Caughey
September 6 at 6:11 AM ·
I hope that anyone who is struggling with the question of " can I bear to stay on the planet " will join me on the upcoming Grand Rounds presentation at OHSU on September 22.
I know way too well how hard it can be to make the choice to live, especially when so much seems impossible. And also, if you are someone who finds yourself in the role of supporting someone who is struggling to stay on the planet.... this is for you, too.
No, it's not easy very often.
But, there still are reasons and ways to do life, and it is worth finding the way. I hope to make a contribution to all who struggle.
I recommend because I know Meghan Caughey is an impactful speaker. Peers you assist may find this hopeful.
Meghan Caughey
September 6 at 6:11 AM ·
I hope that anyone who is struggling with the question of " can I bear to stay on the planet " will join me on the upcoming Grand Rounds presentation at OHSU on September 22.
I know way too well how hard it can be to make the choice to live, especially when so much seems impossible. And also, if you are someone who finds yourself in the role of supporting someone who is struggling to stay on the planet.... this is for you, too.
No, it's not easy very often.
But, there still are reasons and ways to do life, and it is worth finding the way. I hope to make a contribution to all who struggle.
Please watch for upcoming information regarding Passages' opening to limited individual services. If you have any questions, please call us at 509-892-9241.
The FCC has finally approved 988 to become the new 3-digit number for the National Suicide Hotline starting in July, 2022.
#suicideprevention #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety #suicide #suicideawarness
Join Work2BeWell for a free, teen-led event that showcases student voices, offers key breakouts to discuss mental health themes, and highlights clinically-vetted resources. This event is designed for administrators, teachers, counselors, students, and community mental health advocates.
All are invited as we #Work2BeWell together. Register today!
Please visit our website calendar for the most up to date schedule of our current telehealth programs and the times that they are offered. For more information please call our front desk at: 509-892-9241
2020 Peers Empower Peers Conference
Each year, millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental health condition. However, mental illness affects everyone directly or indirectly through family, friends or coworkers. Despite mental illnesses’ reach and prevalence, stigma and misunderstanding are also, unfortunately, widespread. That is why each year, during the first week of October, NAMI and participants across the country raise awareness of mental illness. Each year, they educate the public, fight stigma and provide support. And each year, this movement grows stronger. #MHM #NotAlone
National Institute of Mental Health
October 6 at 6:34 AM ·
It’s Mental Illness Awareness Week: Do you need help with your mental health? If you don't know where to start, this new infographic may help guide you: #MIAW20 #shareNIMH
We saw a great turnout for our October 29th "Trunk or Treat" event at Passages Family Support. It was the first event of this type that we've done, and hopefully a continued tradition for many more Halloweens to come! The staff showed great enthusiasm with many creative trunk displays while utilizing special "candy chutes" so as to maintain 6 foot distance for the participants.
Beverly MillerWashington Peer Counselors
Yesterday at 12:54 PM ·
Discussion group for HB 1349--a bill that replaces Certified Peer Counselors with Licensed Peer Specialists.
Here is the remainder of this week's schedule.
All meetings at
Feb 4 and Feb 5 regular 2:30 to 4 pm meeting for general discussion.
Saturday Feb 6 at 2:30, Representative Lauren Davis will join us. No need to register for any of these meetings.
Sunday Feb 7 at 2:30 pm to 4 pm--general discussion.
Please come to learn where you stand on this bill. You can see the bill at:
1349.pdf (
Best Regards,
Beverly Miller
This morning Passages' Therapist Nate Ainley offered some great pointers on the 4 News Now AM news. Please click the link below to see the full story. Thanks for reaching out to us Destiny Richards!
Making New Year's resolutions and setting goals after an unpredictable 2020 - KXLY
Psychologist on improving mental health in the new year: "Focus on what you've got"
Struggling to Get Enough Food? Here's Help!
During the month of December 2020, Spokane Mobility Services is joining with community partners in Spokane County to pilot a new food delivery service to help overcome food shortages. Funded by the CARES Act, this program is in response to the food crisis in our community caused by the pandemic. The program will provide delivery of food boxes to households in need. You can request a food box through their website once a week. Deliveries requested before 11 AM will be honored the next weekday.
To request a box of food go here:
For more information about SMS:
YouTube Link to a video about this program:
The holidays can be a stressful time of year financially. If you're looking for assistance programs and services during the holiday season, here are two resource pages for Spokane County (sorry the links are not clickable).
Is #covid19 anxiety threatening your mental health? Some helpful information for Dr. Oz...
Dr. Mehmet Oz
December 1, 2020 at 4:32 PM ·
It's only natural to have anxiety right now, but is your #covid19 anxiety threatening your mental health? Here are 5 signs you might not be coping as well as you thought you were.