We’ve been that HUMAN CONNECTION between NORTHWEST JOBS and PEOPLE for over 40 years! Our NETWORK provides a ONE STOP staffing solution – quick easy access to all the recruiting resources needed by NORTHWEST EMPLOYERS! If you're a Northwest Employer in hiring mode, you're definitely in a Race! And its NOT an EASY RACE to WIN! The Greater Seattle job market is one of the most competitive in the US! You have to move FAST just to get in the race! To WIN, you need a NETWORK of STAFFING RESOURCES! And the stakes for HIRING RIGHT are HIGH. Great employees make the difference – always! For the Job Seekers: Looking forward to Mondays is NOT just for the 1%! In fact, we’d like to see MONDAYS become the FAVORITE DAY OF THE WEEK for all employees… It’s all about being in the RIGHT JOB – a JOB that “FITS”! A JOB where you do things you love doing, and can do them well! Here’s what we do to help you find that “just right” job…Pay attention to what’s IMPORTANT to you about where and how you want to work, Uncover your “real” talent, Showcase all those things that makes you special and arrange interviews with the area’s BEST employers who are hiring people just like YOU! You’ll experience the difference right from the start!