Due to our parking lot re-paving, we will not have access to entering our office from Wednesday Sept 2 – Monday Sept 7 and will be CLOSED.
We will reopen on Tuesday Sept 8th at 1:00 pm. We apologize for the inconvenience.
70%-90% of learning is visual: so how does this impact your child with progressive myopia (near or short-sightedness) whose vision is gradually getting worse every year?
Children who spend time outdoors daily can delay the onset of myopia. Not only does being outdoors force you to look further into the distance, but being exposed to outdoor lighting appears to slow the axial growth of the eye, the very cause of myopia. Have you taken your kids outside today? #outdoors #myopiamanagement
Follow-up appointments are essential for patients who've been fitted with scleral lenses. Don't forget to schedule your follow-up appointment to prevent corneal scarring or infection — we're here to keep your eyes healthy!
Are objects at a distance or close by appearing blurry? If so, it's definitely time for an eye exam! Visit our website to schedule yours today.
Yay! It’s officially Fall! What do you look forward to the most this season? Comment below!
For those working and schooling from home, screen time has now doubled! Here are some tips to help minimize the damaging effects of too much screen time:
Eyes naturally tear up to provide lubrication and comfort, but sometimes we don’t produce enough tears or tears of sufficient quality to keep our eyes moist. This can lead to a condition known as dry eye. Using compresses can help keep your eyes hydrated and comfortable.
Warm Compresses Can Relieve Dry Eye
Have you decided on this year's Halloween costume? For most costumes, makeup is the most essential part! Here are some tips to help you avoid eye irritation or infection when using makeup:
Billions of people around the world experience vision problems because they don’t have access to the proper eyecare & glasses. Most of these vision impairments could have been avoided had they been diagnosed & treated early on by an eye doctor. When was the last time you had an eye exam? Make sure to get annual eye exams and encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to do so as well! #HopeInSight
WSD 2020 - #HopeInSight
Improve your child's quality of life by preventing myopia from worsening and keep their vision crisp and clear. Ask us about myopia management today.
Why is it so important for diabetics to get a yearly eye exam? Not only does diabetes affect your body but it can also seriously damage your vision, potentially leading to vision loss. With the proper care, like getting a yearly dilated eye exam & maintaining a healthy diet, you can help keep your eyes healthy! Contact us to schedule your yearly dilated eye exam.
REMINDER! Tomorrow, Daylight Savings ends...
Don’t forget to...
New year, new perspective! Go ahead and get a new perspective with healthy eyes and don't forget to schedule your eye exam.
While all eye doctors measure visual acuity when testing for myopia, only some measure the subtle changes in eyeball length. This allows eye doctors to better assess the rate at which myopia is progressing. To learn more about myopia management, contact us today.
In 1824, 15-year-old Louis Braille created a reading and writing system for the blind and visually impaired, known as braille, in which raised dots represent the letters of the alphabet. His creation has played a major role in enabling the blind to experience more independence. Each year, on his birthday, we celebrate him and his life-changing invention.
Wishing everyone a year filled with love, laughter, joy, and happiness… Happy New Year! 🥂
WOW! It’s been quite a year hasn’t it?! 😰 What are you looking forward to the most in 2021?
Get in sync with your partner by gazing into each other's eyes! Research shows that couples that are in love and gaze into each other’s eyes for three minutes naturally experience synchronized heartbeats.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in adults aged 50 and over. AMD occurs when the macula deteriorates, causing central vision loss. While there's no cure for AMD as of yet, there are many ways to reduce your risk and a wide range of low vision aids and devices available to maximize remaining vision so that those with AMD can live their best lives.
Did you know that LASIK surgery can sometimes cause eye complications, such as corneal ectasia? It's a corneal distortion that causes the cornea to weaken and bulge. People with Post-LASIK ectasia find wearing soft contact lenses to be extremely painful and uncomfortable. For these people, scleral lenses are the ideal option for clear and comfortable vision.
CAN I PREVENT MY CHILD'S PRESCRIPTION FROM WORSENING? Yes, you can. Myopia management has been scientifically shown to halt the progression of myopia. Offer your child a brighter future and book an appointment today.
Did you know that Dr. William H. Lawson was the first African American optometrist certified to work in the United States and Canada? He graduated in 1912 from the Toronto School of Optometry in Toronto, Canada.