"In 1982, the owner of North Star Auto Collision, Blaise Messineo, started a 24 Hour Towing Company and Auto Body Shop with his former partner. In 2004, Blaise bought out his partner – and brought in his family! His wife, Kelli and son Vinny helped run the office and the shop.
North Star Auto Collision has kept up with the newest changes in autobody work, taking advantage of upgrades in training and products. For example, North Star was one of the first auto body shops in Queens, NY to use environmentally safe water base paint. The paint we use, Aqua Base Plus, is a premium quality paint from the renowned paint manufacturer PPG, Pittsburgh Paint and Glass. The quality of this paint allows us to offer a lifetime warrantee on all our paint work. Our European Spray Booth has been professionally upgraded to accommodate the use of water base paint, giving you the best possible outcome for your auto paint job.
Stop by today – and show us your dings!"