Local domestic violence orgs often help survivors whose abusers may use their identities to keep them from accessing resources, like this survivor in CO. Thanks to a grant from The Allstate Foundation, her local program helped her escape harm: https://al.st/2FxbsBQ
It's Fire Prevention Week! Learn about some common fire risks and get tips to help keep your family safe.
5 Tips for Fire Prevention Week | Allstate
Deer become very active in the fall. Here are some safe driving tips to help keep you safe on the road.
Deer Season: 5 Safe Driving Tips | The Allstate Blog
Help pass down a bright financial future to your loved ones. Call me to find out how Allstate life insurance can help.
Try Allstate® Phone Protection Plus risk-free for 30 days! It’s a NEW kind of protection that goes beyond typical smartphone coverage. Plans include premium tech support, 24/7 roadside assistance and identity theft remediation. Call me today to learn more.
As the days get shorter, here are some tips that can help you drive more safely at night.
Safety Tips for Nighttime Driving | The Allstate Blog
In March, The Allstate Foundation funded the technology needed for The National Domestic Violence Hotline staff to safely working from home. This important gift ensured that The Hotline could continue offering 24-hour services to survivors during COVID-19.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline Expands Remote Capacity with Support from The Allstate Foundation | The Allstate Foundation
There has never been a better time to help customers plan for the security of their financial futures. We are looking for Personal Financial Representatives and Life Specialists to partner with Allstate Agents. If you or someone you know is interested, message me for details.
Meeting the insurance and financial needs of customers isn't just selling a service, it's helping people protect what matters most to them. We know that's more important than ever right now. Message me to learn about our Personal Financial Representative and Life Specialist opportunities.
Your world can change in an instant. Make sure your family is protected from life’s uncertainties with Allstate life insurance. Give me a call today.
Boost your employee benefits package to help recruit and retain talent with supplemental coverage from Allstate Benefits like Accident, Critical Illness and Life Insurance. Call my agency to learn more!
Accident claims with Allstate Benefits
Your Social Security card may be needed for certain tasks, like getting a driver's license or changing your name. Learn what to do if you need a replacement card.
How to Replace Your Social Security Card | Allstate
Many of us are driving less. If this sounds familiar, I’m happy to answer your questions about Allstate pay-per-mile.
Island | Allstate
There are 22 amazing student-athletes up for the 2020 Allstate AFCA #GoodWorksTeam Captain. Vote for your captain here: https://al.st/espnallstate.
Did you know that life insurance can cover things beyond final expenses? I like to think of it as a financial safety net that can provide income, inheritance and more.
5 Uses for Life Insurance Benefits | Allstate
6 in 10 people are terrified of how health care costs may derail their retirement plans. Contact me today to learn how we can help you create a plan that will help take the worry out of retirement.
Check out these tips to help get your home ready for winter.
Home Maintenance Tasks to Do Before Winter | Allstate
If you're concerned about identity theft, you may want to consider putting a freeze on your credit. Learn more.
How to Freeze Your Credit | Allstate
Happy birthday to all our friends born in the month of February! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a great year ahead.
Do you know a teacher who needs funding support for an innovative social and emotional learning classroom project? Share this link to invite them to submit the project to DonorsChoose. Donations made to these projects will be matched dollar-for-dollar by The Allstate Foundation. http://al.st/3sVJNyG
Allstate has committed to continue to support bipartisanship through its political
advocacy and financial support. Tom Wilson shared these thoughts with employees on
Expecting a tax refund this year? With TurboTax, you’ll get your maximum refund, guaranteed. Allstate has special savings on TurboTax just for you: http://al.st/2WNDCOc
Llegó la temporada de taxes. Ya sea que necesites un poco de ayuda o quieras que un profesional lo haga todo por ti, los expertos en taxes bilingües de TurboTax Live están aquí para ayudarte. Ahorra en TurboTax Live con Allstate: http://al.st/3nVeoct
Check out how The Allstate Foundation’s partnership with DonorsChoose was featured on NBC’s "Today" show. The school highlighted in this clip is just one of 1,585 that The Allstate Foundation supported to help students this year.
Elementary students practice gratitude with Thankful Thursdays