Good morning! As you get ready to send off your College student to campus for in person learning or to their designated area in your home for online learning, we want to share some tips on how to make it more affordable.
Smart Money Moves for College Students This Fall
Hello and welcome to our teams’ Facebook page. We are so glad you are here and excited to share timely financial news along with personal updates from our team! If you have any questions or would like to know more about how we provide comfort and clarity to our clients so they feel confident and in control of their financial life, please feel free to message us here on Facebook or call 952.563.1231. We would love to get to know you.
All the best to you and stay safe!
The Norine, Leiendecker and Associates team
We want to thank the Angel Foundation for hosting a great event this past Monday, July 20th and arranging a wonderful day of weather! We loved spending quality time with the folks that run the Angel Foundation and being part of their annual Angels & Eagles Golf Classic and helping out with registration.
Being organized can save you time and money. What are you doing to get better organized this month?
Happy New Year! So long, 2020.
"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Best wishes for a peaceful holiday season.
Based on stabilizing market and economic conditions and favorable monetary and fiscal policies, combined with broadly available vaccines, #AmeripriseResearch believes the opportunity for outsized growth next year is real.
Best wishes for a peaceful holiday season.
Our 2020 Holiday Food Drive to support VEAP