Private Small Group Workouts are now available at NJ Fitness Factory.
To keep a safe social distancing protocol, we are limiting the class size to 6, so you must book ahead of time for the classes. All members will have their own sanitizing station in their box.
Rules for doing the workouts:
1) Masks must be worn at all times upon entering the studio including during the workout.
2) Do not enter the studio until 5 minutes before the workout. You must enter through the front door.
3) Hands must be sanitized at our sanitizing station before entering the Workout room.
4) Do not enter the studio unless you have signed up in Mindbody for the workout.
5) When you enter the workout room please go to one of the available boxes and remain there for the duration of the class.
Here are the steps to purchasing a Small Group Membership:
1) Download the MindBody App Here: (Apple) (Android)
2) Create a MindBody account using the email address you have on file with us here at NJ Fitness Factory. If you have never been a member, use your preferred email account.
3) Choose NJ Fitness Factory (Add us to your favorites for future class booking)
4) Click View Pricing
5) Choose Small Group Training
6) Pick your membership
Any problems email us at
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Take care of your body it's the only place you have to live. 👍👍👍
Q: What are the recent accomplishments that make you feel proud and successful? 🤔🤔🤔
Focus on your goals. 😎 😎😎
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What stops you from working out more often? 🤔
Start each day with a grateful heart. 💞
It doesn't get easier, you get stronger. 💪💪💪
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: Do you eat before or after workout? 🤔
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What is your secret for staying slim and healthy? 🤔
Do your best and be a little better than you are. 💪💪💪
Never dream for success but work for it. 😉😉😉
Q: Do you need a personal trainer to lose weight? 🤔
Confidence is the art of having faith in yourself. 🤗🤗🤗
Now it's easier to contact NJ Fitness Factory.
Q: What workout do you do to be so slim? 🤔
You can't expect to succeed if you only put in work on the days you feel like it. 👍👍👍
Your success is found in your daily routine. 😉😉😉
Q: What's the best way to build endurance? 🤔🤔🤔
Commitment is an act not a word. 👍👍👍
Just a simple reminder for you today. 😉😘
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
You earn your body. 💪💪💪
Q: Is a brisk walk as good as a run? 🤔
Exercise is therapy. 🏋🏋🏋
Master your mindset and you'll master your body. 🏋💪
Be stronger than your strongest excuses. 👍👍👍
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
You can do it. 💪💪💪
Q: How many calories do you burn when you run a mile? 🤔
Q: Is it bad to do the same workout routine every week? 🤔
You just have to go for it. 🚶🚶🚶
Have you been home since March and feel you are ready to work your body out⁉️
With all of the benefits of working out, it's hard to see why anyone would avoid exercise.
I know it's not easy to figure out where to start, and if it is safe to be in the gym right now …
👍🏽That's where we come in.💪🏽
🔵We have taken extra steps to keep you safe & healthy (Swipe Left for details on this) and provide you with ways to reap all of the exercise benefits. 🟡
👇🏽Type "ME" in the comments if you are ready to get back into a safe workout environment. 👇🏽
Let's get and stay healthy for the long haul‼️
And then, if a global pandemic ever strikes again, you'll be healthier than ever to fight infection and stay strong.
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
To get great results, you don’t need to be perfect. 🙌🏽
You just need to keep showing up.
Are you ready to start showing up to your workouts and finally get the results you’ve been wanting for such a long time❓
👇🏽Type “YES” in the comments if you are committed to take control of your health and fitness. 👇🏽
Thank you, Laura Del Grosso 🙏🏽 we appreciate your energy and teamwork spirit.
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Change your thoughts, change your habit and train hard. 🏋🏋🏋
Q: Do you feel running with weights makes you stronger? 🤔
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What is your fitness motivation? 🤔
Discipline yourself. 👍💪
Q: Is there a particular body part that you want to learn to train more effectively? 🤔
Gratitude changes everything. 👍😉
Create a road map to reach your goals. 👌
Eat right exercise regularly. 🏋🏋🏋
A little progress each day adds up to big result. 💪💪💪
Q: What foods to avoid when working out? 🤔
Don't quit just keep moving. 🏃
Never stop dreaming and believing in what you can achieve. 💪💪💪
Q: What is your primary fitness goal? 🤔
Train insane or remain the same. 💪👍
Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same. 👍💪
Q: How do you start strength training? 🤔
You will succeed just keep going. 💪
Be with people who inspire you and make sure you inspire them to become stronger and better. 👍💪
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What workout routine have you seen the greatest result from? 🤔
Never give up just keep going. 👍👍👍
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Keep going you are getting there. 💪💪💪
Q: Do you think it is important to choose healthy food? and why? 🤔
When you know better you do better. 💪💪💪
Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle. 👍👍👍
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Make fitness your favorite habit. 🏋🏋🏋
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Hard work pays off. 💪💪💪
Q: Is it better to eat less or exercise more? 🏋🏋🏋
Exercise daily. 🏋🏃💪
Q: What does your workout routine look like? 🤔
Eat better not less. 😉😉😉
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What motivates you? 🤔
Master your mindset and you'll master your body. 💪💪💪
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: Is it bad to do the same workout routine every week? 🤔
Planks are one of the most effective exercises you can do.
Why? Because they require a small time investment on your part and offer the chance to achieve substantial results in a relatively short time.
✨But THE MAGIC happens when you do them correctly! ✨
Take a look at two common mistakes most people make when planking, and check if any of them applies to you.
Our small group training Coaches here at NJ Fitness Factory place a large focus on performing exercises safely to keep you consistent with your health and fitness goals.
👇🏽Type "ME" in the comments if you are ready to get in the gym and follow a program that will transform your body!👇🏽
Change your thoughts. change your habits and train hard. 🏋🏋🏋
Q: Do you feel running with weights makes you stronger? 🏃🏃🏃
When times get tough, we don't give up, we get up. 💪💪💪
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What is your fitness motivation? 🤔
📌 Note to self.
Discipline yourself. 👊👊👊
Let us know. 😉
Ain't nobody got time for that fat. 💪💪💪
Start each day with a grateful heart. 💞
It doesn't get easier, you get stronger. 💪💪💪
Let us know. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Trust the timing of your life. 👍👍👍
Q: How do you track your calories in your diet? 🤔
Comment down below. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Q: What foods to avoid when working out? 🤔
Don't quit just keep moving. 👍💪
Train insane or remain the same. 💪🏋
Let us know. ⬇️
Walking is a man's best medicine. 🚶🚶🚶
Q: What motivates you to work out? 🤔
Q: How do you start strength training? 🤔
You will succeed just keep going. 💪💪💪
Be with people who inspire you and make sure you inspire them to become stronger and better. 🤗😇
Don't compare your life to others there's no comparison between the sun and the moon they shine when it's their time. 🌞🌛
Q: What are your favorite healthy recipes? 🤔
Strive for progress not perfection. 💪💪💪
Health requires healthy foods. 🍌🍋🍊🥑🥬