We are back in the building! We had smiles all around (under masks!) as we welcomed our first group of students back to campus today. Health mitigation protocols like hand-washing, wearing masks, and physical distancing helped us safely bring our students back into the classrooms; learning and laughter made the day bright!
"Who is Dr. Maria Montessori?"
Thank you Jeopardy for honoring the educator, innovator, and physician who founded the educational philosophy that has endured for more than 100 years!
Miss hugging your loved ones during the global pandemic? We do too! Below is a great article on how to hug safely.
How to Hug During a Pandemic
The 2019-2020 school year is a wrap!
THANK YOU. Thank you to our students. Thank you to our parents. Thank you to our families. Thank you to our teachers and staff.
Thank you for all of your support, dedication, perseverance, technological adaptability, and humor throughout the year (especially the last couple of months)! It is because of all of you that MSM is such an amazing community!
Have a wonderful summer!
So this happened: one of our Lower Elementary scientists found a "fossil" in our beautiful back playground area! Is it real?! Hmmm...
Lower Elementary students had fun today learning about star constellations in Science Lab. In addition to science in the classroom, MSM Lower Elementary students all participate in science lab each week with Mrs. Galbreath. Today they made constellations out of mini marshmallows and sticks. No word on if they were allowed to eat the extra marshmallows... 😉
"When children come into contact with nature, they reveal their strength." ~ Maria Montessori
No truer words could be spoken during this time of global growth. The Montessori School of McLean is fortunate to have over three beautiful acres for our students to explore and learn. Whether it's on the playground, on the soccer field, on the amphitheater benches, or in the Outdoor Classroom, MSM students absolutely love learning outside!
Thursday Dec 17: MSM will open 2 hours late. Students should arrive 2 hours after their normal arrival time. There is no school for half-day students, and no morning bus run.
Wednesday December 16: MSM is closed in anticipation of the wintery weather.
The Montessori Primary Cultural Curriculum is the foundation of the child's education in geography, history, and social studies. Some of the most popular works in the cultural area of the primary classroom that children use to learn about other cultures and continents are the globes, puzzle maps, and land and water forms. Through the Cultural Curriculum, the child begins to see his/her place in the universe, world, and community, and their eyes and hearts are opened to the vast diversity in our world. It is through this vital component of the Montessori curriculum that children develop emotional intelligence, compassion and empathy for others, understanding of human needs, and a connection with the world as a global citizen.
In Miss Kiess' class, the children are doing their continent study on North America. Pictured below is a Primary student working on matching flags of North America.
"Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and strength, use it to create." ~Dr. Maria Montessori
Artistic expression is embraced at MSM! All students have the opportunity to participate in musical, visual and dramatic arts every week. Below are pictures of Primary students enjoying art. One little friend is making music in the Outdoor Classroom and the other one is drawing a self-portrait with oil pastels from her reflection.
MSM Upper Elementary students did not let the pandemic slow them down from celebrating their annual Thanksgiving traditions. This year, they feasted on Thanksgiving themed foods brought from home. The students delighted in sharing what they brought as a stand in for typical feast items, like potato chips for mashed potatoes, and dried cranberries for sauce. They also brought many fun treats like pumpkin cupcakes and bread, and apple cider. Students were excited to watch the Charlie Brown Mayflower and Thanksgiving specials and completed fun Thanksgiving themed activities. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Montessori Art: Putting the "A" in STEAM
In Primary, students create booklets by coloring the parts of different animals, fish, plants, and amphibians to bring order and connectedness to their learning in preparation for structured science in later years. In Elementary, students are fully immersed in the science curriculum, but also enjoy the creation of art that draws upon the beauty of the world around them. Below, some of our Lower Elementary students have created multi medium fish collages.
"We especially need imagination in science. It is not all mathematics, nor all logic, but it is somewhat beauty and poetry." ~Maria Montessori
Happy Birthday to our founder, Miss Joan Marie Parasine!
Primary fun in the Outdoor Classroom!
Our Primary students love soaking in the sunshine in our Outdoor Classroom. They work on building concentration by window washing, fine motor skills by making a birdhouse, support artistic creativity by painting with natural materials, and so much more!
Upper Elementary Dream Gardens!
In the Outdoor Classroom this week, the Upper Elementary students brainstormed on what items they would like to plant in their Dream Gardens. To help them think through a complex project from start to finish (and to build executive functioning!), the students mapped out their Dream Gardens and then calculated the cost of planting and managing their gardens. Check out some of their creations below!