
(on south stapley drive)
Massage Therapy in Mesa, AZ
Massage Therapy


1464 South Stapley Drive
Mesa, AZ


Well, in the middle of COVID-19. So here are some things to note. Look into research done with natural Vitamin C complex and its effects on Viruses! It seems to support cell health in the human body and may block viruses ability to proliferate in your body. IV Vitamin C Therapy works wonders in many cases. Talk to physician concerning it or see a naturopathic doctor, ND. I wrote to the CDC and mentioned sustained temperatures for a certain length of time to kill viruses. It is mentioned as a part of hydrotherapy! Also look into UV light. They sell wands and units that will kill viruses, bacteria and germs. The one that I use is call Thera-pure air filter which has UV-C light included that can do this. I have one in each room. Just so you know, viruses that are air born, like COVID-19, can enter your body through mucus membranes. These could include mouth and nose as well as eyes and ears. Wearing a mask only handles the major areas the others are still exposed thus wash your hands then use a nail brush to clean your finger nails and hands. Wash and rinse off your face eyes nose and ears. Carry hand sanitizer and wipes and use them regularly. Live healthy!
News and Publications » Massage Therapy Journal »Self-Massage For Knee Pain Self-Massage For Knee Pain Dorothea Atkins, TH.D, RN, LMT, August 27, 2015 Millions of adults in the United States suffer from osteoarthritis (OA), a degenerative joint disease that has historically been described as "wear and tear" of weight-bearing joints of the body, causing changes in the joints’ cartilage, lining and underlying bone. The goals of treating this chronic, progressive disease of aging often include pain and stiffness management, as well as joint mobility improvement. As the largest and most complex joint in the body, the knee is a common place for people to develop osteoarthritis. And, as more and more research is suggesting, massage therapy can be beneficial. But how can you help clients manage pain between regular massage therapy sessions? Self-massage is one answer. Read on to learn more about the role self-massage can play in helping your clients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis of the Knee Knee OA is often diagnosed by the presence of osteophytes (bone spurs) and loss of joint space seen on x-rays.1 Although scientists are unsure of the specific cause of knee OA, some influential factors include genetics, obesity, previous knee injuries and overuse. Additionally, researchers have investigated the possible causative role of the quadriceps muscle group. The quadriceps femoris, located on the anterior thigh, is made up of four distinct muscles that have different points of origin and a common insertion around the knee. These muscles work together to extend the leg, such as in the movement you make when kicking a ball, and also help stabilize the leg while climbing up and down stairs. Joint protection and shock absorption (when walking or running) are also common functions of these muscles. Quadriceps weakness is commonly seen in adults with knee arthritis, and researchers often debate whether it is quadriceps muscle dysfunction or knee joint changes that precipitate OA of the knee. Dysfunction or weakness of this muscle may affect balance, as well as daily activities such as standing and walking. Additionally, studies have found a correlation between quadriceps muscle weakness and increased knee pain and altered walking patterns in those with knee osteoarthritis2. Although this condition can occur in any of the weight-bearing joints, knee OA affects approximately 9 million American adults. Unfortunately, this condition does not have a cure, and researchers predict the prevalence of this type of OA will increase as the population ages. The current combination of treatments include exercise, physical therapy, weight control, supportive devices, medications and surgery. However, conventional treatments often don’t provide enough symptom relief, and so more and more people are turning to proven alternatives for pain relief, including massage therapy. Recent studies showing the efficacy are helping drive demand, and can also facilitate better discussions between you and your clients about the benefits of massage3. Related: Research on Massage for Osteoarthritis of the Knee
During this time I am still offering safe services to those in need and want! There are those who depend on relief from pain and discomfort. It will brighten their life and allow them to feel a bit uplifted! Fear is not in the equation, all precautions will be taken! To feel better makes a better world for everyone I touch and all those I assist and those they know as well!
The Violet Ray: The Violet Ray in the early 20th century was heralded as an important discovery in the field of electrotherapy. “Electricity is present, not only in all the objects of nature about us, but also in every human and animal being, therefore I maintain that it is this which constitutes the primal cause and preservative force of the life of functions.” (H. A. Schaefer, 1900, p.110) Nickola Tesla, stating, “In 1900 Nickola Tesla, [1856-1943] the greatest man in electrical research work, that this or any other country has ever known, directed his attention to investigating the reasons why electricity had proved a failure in the treatment of disease.” (Martin, 1921, p.442) Monell also weighs in: “In transforming the primary current into high-frequency discharges Tesla took from it some of its former properties. … It would no longer exert the same power through the same motor, it ceased to sear and burn in its track, and contact with it no longer struck the muscles with a paralyzing and deadly shock.” (Monell, 1910, p.24) Recognizing that the human body had its own vibratory rate, Tesla concluded that “if electricity was to be introduced into the system in an acceptable form, it was necessary to harmonize by raising the vibrations or voltage to correspond or conform with the number of vibrations in the body.” (Martin, 1921, p.442) Monell describes how Tesla transformed raw electricity into a healing medium. He explains, “The alternating street current for light and power is usually a 110-volt, 60 cycle current, oscillating only 120 times per second. … When alternations rise above 10,000 per second and voltage mounts beyond the hundreds of thousands, these twin features put such currents into a class by themselves and they are called high frequency and high potential.” (Monell, 1910, p.27) Monell also described another of Tesla’s many feats. Tesla developed the ‘Tesla Coil’ which “atomize[d]… current into a spray discharge.” (Monell, 1910, p.27) The “Tesla Coil” increased the voltage or vibrations of electricity to 40 000 per minute from 110 volts and reduced amperage to practically nothing, making the machines safe for human use. (Martin, 1921, p.443) The muscular contractions and shocking so common with the earlier renditions of devices no longer occurred. “The Electro-Therapist using a Violet Ray machine accomplished the final cure, this by adjusting balance to the nervous system and restoring normal circulation.” (A. Martin, 1921, p.448) Therapeutic Benefits The Violet Ray instrument had numerous therapeutic benefits. The light and thermic properties of the Violet Ray offered “a stimulus to blood circulation and also to nerve action.” (Martin, 1921, p.443) Martin adds, “Light [and color] Therapy also enters as a part of Violet Ray treatment because [color] is produced in the vacuum tube when in operation. … The violet light is produced by the many ions of electricity discharged in the vacuum tube bombarding molecules within the tube, becoming most predominant and resulting in the phenomena of exhibiting a Violet light.” (Martin, 1921, p.443) However, the purple light, these early naturopaths reminded their colleagues and their patients, is accompanied by “Ultra-Violet Rays, invisible to the eye, yet particularly destructive to micro-organism.” (Martin, 1921, p.443) Ultraviolet is well known for its germicidal activity. In Eberhart’s, A Working Manual of High Frequency Currents, eight constitutional effects are listed: 1. Increase general metabolism 2. Increase glandular activity 3. Increase temperature and bodily heat 4. Increase oxidization and hemoglobin 5. Increase secretions 6. Increase elimination 7. Lower blood pressure when hypertension exists 8. Soothing to the nervous system (Eberhart, 1920, p.64) Some conditions that the Violet Ray has been used for included: “neuritis, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, sciatica, diabetes, asthma, dyspepsia, impotence, influenza, leucorrhea, paralysis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, hay fever, high blood pressure, anemia, and a wide range of other conditions.” (Puderbach, 1927, p.134) Reading through this list of ailments, one might conclude that the Violet Ray was a type of panacea. Monell, for example, utilizing the Violet Ray, lists many treatment plans in his book for chronic nephritis, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, headaches, neuralgias, and digestive complaints, to name a few. Eberhart lists an equally impressive list of conditions that Violet Ray high-frequency current successfully treated in their clinical experience. While the Violet Ray was an effective treatment for numerous diseases by its action of stimulating blood flow, its use was contraindicated when treating conditions with an “already too great an accumulation of blood or where bringing blood to the parts would encourage malignant growth of abnormal tissue.” (Martin, 1921, p.449). This application is not indicated for any forms of cancerous tumors. In this case refer to increased oxygen therapies such as H2O2 therapy of Ozone therapy. • oxygenates, restores and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, discoloration, and other skin blemishes. • reduces acne and puffiness • tightens facial muscles, including under the chin, and stimulates reproduction of facial cell tissues • promotes hair growth and health by stimulating circulation to the scalp • reduces stress, generating a sense of well-being One condition that has been successful in treating with the application of the Violet Ray has been peripheral neuropathy. This form of neuropathy results from the symmetrical degeneration of the dorsal and lateral spinal column, due to a either the degeneration of or a defect in myelin formation. Myelin which surrounds nerve branches allows for quickened distribution of impulses to serge properly along nerve channels. The lack of it can alter this current, the symptoms of which can become a lack of sensation, numbness or tingling in the extremities. In some cases, the nerve responses can become slow to almost non-existent. Lower frequency electrical applications have, in some applications, helped to medicate these symptoms. The Violet Ray is a higher frequency energy that can assist in stimulating proper neural responses even allowing nerves to find alternate pathways to complete their journey. Another thing to be aware of is other medications that maybe altering the absorption of vitamins such as B12 or B12 deficiency. Persons with B12 deficiency may present with neurological symptoms, such as memory loss, irritability, dementia, weakness, sensory ataxia, and can include strange sensations, numbness, or tingling in the hands, legs, or feet. While supplementation with vitamin B12 has been shown to alleviate neuropathic symptoms, consulting with your physician is essential to ascertain proper diagnosis of this condition and how to remedy the proper reabsorption of this most important vitamin. There may be other conditions needing to be handled to promote this to occur. Therapeutic doses of not only vitamin B12 also all the vitamin B’s in a sustained or buffered release since they are water soluble and need to be released into your system more gradually. With consistent applications of the Violet Ray there can be recovery of proper and adequate nerve responses. How Does It Work: The High Frequency Violet Ray is totally safe to use. In nature the sun turns oxygen into ozone. In the Violet Ray, this is done though a high-frequency (10,000-hertz), high voltage, low-current electrical source. You'll find that the current produces an agreeable tingling on your skin’s surface as it increases oxygenation in the form of Ozone (O3) in the blood. O3 ozone is so reactive, chemically, that it constantly wants to become stable O2 oxygen by giving up O1. This reactive form of oxygen is known to chemists as "singlet oxygen." These singlet oxygen molecules are created in a gush of O1 releases. These O1s are negatively charged. They are hungry to catch something positively charged. Toxins and pathological bacteria are all positively charged. Because of the active oxygen's negative charge, it combines with the filth in the body, oxidizing it, then to be flushed out in the bloodstream. All the wastes your body excretes - whether through urination, bowel movements, sweating, spitting, skin particles that are sloughed off your body's outer surface - are composed mainly of four basic elements - hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulfur. If combined with oxygen, natural oxidation processes will turn these into H2O, CO2, NO2 and SO2. These are, respectively, just the chemical names for water, gaseous carbon dioxide, the toxic gas nitrogen dioxide, and the acidic gas, sulphur dioxide. In this way additional toxins leave the body. It's believed that applying the Violet Ray stimulates this vital “detoxification” process. The fundamental difference between diseased and normal cells is this ... Healthy cells have an army of protective enzymes to protect themselves from oxygen by forming a self-protective antioxidant coating. Strict anaerobes, just as diseased cells, lack these protective enzymes and are killed by oxygen. Anaerobic microorganisms cannot live in the presence of active forms of oxygen. Viruses, fungus and other human pathogens are drawn out to bind with reactive oxygen. They will be "burnt" - neutralized by oxygen. Oxygen is your most aggressive free radical scavenger. The High Frequency/ Violet Ray actually charges your body's battery by causing cells to open up more than usual, allowing them to flush out toxins more easily. Nutrients then return to the cells and the detoxification routine increases lymph flow. By opening up the blood cells and encouraging their natural ability to regenerate, new tissue replaces damaged, diseased cells, flushing them out of the system with other toxins. This “cellular massage” instead of muscles, expands individual cells. The stimulation at the cellular level by high-frequency current is why the Violet Ray treatment generates such marked improvements. This device intensifies fresh blood circulation. The extra flow of blood equalizes the circulation in crowded areas, helping heal bruised and damaged tissue. The ray improves circulation in congested parts, restoring bruised, inflamed and diseased tissues to normal. It's great for reducing wrinkles, warts and moles, and for promoting new hair growth. Topical applications for virus and bacteria even fungus can be alleviated by the increase of oxygenation to the area it is applied to, thus the need to have electrodes that are specific to treatment for a variety of areas of the human body. This hand-held unit can come with the four basic glass electrodes - the Mushroom, the Rake, the Curved and the Spoon. The Mushroom and the Spoon electrodes are used to apply anywhere on the skin surface. The Rake is used on the scalp for hair growth, promoting circulation, and halting hair loss. The Curved electrode is used for zapping acne, warts, moles, and blackheads. There are other special glass electrodes that can be applied for specific healing.: The High Frequency Ray (The Violet Ray) uses an inert gas (either Argon or Neon) inside the electrodes. Argon glows a violet/blue color, which is why the inventor Nikola Tesla originally named the device- the Violet Ray. However, neon works exactly the same way, yet it glows an orange/red color. Your unit you purchase will arrive with either violet or orange glowing electrodes. The gas is there only to notify you that the unit is working properly and the choice of gas has only bearing in the vibrational frequency of the color. In Color Therapy colors do have significances. Become aware of these when deciding which of these colors to apply for what you will be using it for. The High Frequency Ray is a high-voltage, low-current source of high frequency waves. High-voltage is what makes the device work. Low current (low amperage) is what makes it safe. Light, heat, electric energy and ozone are produced in each glass vacuum applicator. Through this high frequency process, the Ray oxygenates and stimulates the skin and scalp. When an electrode is applied to aging, diseased or infected areas, these forces promote healing.
I have been working with healing on many levels and plan to share my findings here!
I have been working with people for years. I give them tools of how to over come pain and live a better life. Yet real health is not all physical. If it were you would not need to have a mind to think with or a heart to feel with. I teach breathing techniques and work with people who have had strokes to visualize how to move limbs they thought they could not. From all my experiences in watching what works to improve life, I have realized that there seems to be some very basic truths about what furthers the good stuff in your life and what creates upset and ill will. Compassion is a desire to help others in need. Love is a deeply held feeling or emotional connection to a person or situation. These two things will give you all that you desire in life. What will not get you there is upset, frustration, anger, war or againstness. When people struggle to get better, it becomes a hard up hill climb! When they learn to relax and have compassion for themselves and find the joy and love in the process, progress is achieved much easier and faster. When I look at what has been consistent in my life for compassion and love, the one situation or thing that represents that for me is America, the concept of the land, the idea of inclusiveness, the joy and pride in the law that governs all people and has withstood all adversity thus far in time. When I look and see what people have helped to shape this and provided good will, safety and security and has allowed us all to feel a part of this great picture called America, it is not just founding fathers or women who added greatly to painting the fabric of this great land. With this, I ask everyone in American to hold a place in your heart for truth, justice and compassion for the truth and the great laws that graciously hold us together as one, that during this time of challenge, when impeachment of the president is at hand, remember your passion for this country we are all members in. What is the greatest good for all people? I hold a place within me that stands with the Senate of the United States Government to remember their oath of office and the oath they take as impartial witnesses to truth. To hold this dear and sacred above all dictates, desires, fears, feelings and other agreements. This is how compassion for truth will play out. What is decided by them will direct us all in a certain direction. My visualization of this result is that the proper balance within our government is achieved between branches of government and parties and it begins to protect all people, enact laws that assist all its people to achieve better quality of life and come out of fear to work together to make this great country even greater. Perhaps other drastic circumstances need to play out. Eventually we will heal the divides and create bridges of communication and a real compassion to have the citizens here be successful and prosper!
MESSENGER Michaelshands updated their business hours.
Defining Health How do you define health? Each person might have a slightly different way of looking what health means to them. Starting at the foundations of life and how it comes into play, might give you a unique way of seeing what health truly is. Next, you may want to see how it works and when it is not optimum. finding out what is occurring in non optimum health is vital? What are the most effective, safest and easiest ways to assure health or restore health? First look at the structures that compose life and all its splendor. You can then hone in on how this relates to your health. The structures that form your body allow you to use them as a way to gage your health. This is done by seeing how workable and free from incumbrances they are. This also shows you how health is generated. Most observable to a healthy body is how the atoms and molecules are working to form your body and how well they function. To understand these structures it helps you better see how to maintain health and know when healing needs to take place to have a healthy functioning body. First examine the elemental atoms for life and all structures of your body. The first elements combined to make up stars. All other known elements were created from the explosion of very large stars. Below are all the known elements some of which combine to create life. All elements are identified by their atomic structures. These atoms possess any number of protons, neutrons and electrons which Identifies the kind of element it is. Each element exhibits a specific spectrum of colors which is unique to that element. Using a spectrograph allows you to distinguish which elements are present in examining objects. Another detection of elemental particles can be done through radio waves. Until humans find other elements that may exist in the physical universe, these are the elements that make up your body and comprise your known universe. All elements possess a key signature or vibrational frequency that is unique to each element. All structure is held together by these elements or is it? (To be Continued)
Affecting Cure, the way to heal This being a political year has interrupted my wanting to write up about things to bring better health to all people. Due to this global pandemic which has ravaged our world, it may be time for all people to gain a heighten awareness of health in general and focus on personal health as well. What conditions in general make any of us more susceptible to illness and disease? This is the first key to staying healthy or recovering your health. The current medical establishment insists on fitting medicine to people's conditions to keep that under control. cure has become something not to be taken into consideration. How does the human body produce what it needs to stay healthy when there is not enough or perhaps it is producing too much or something? The second thing to examine is, what current condition that is manageable, that is indirectly or directly contributing to a condition? Is it lack of sleep, diet, exercise, obesity, lack of weight, poor circulation? Many doctors say, it’s because of your age or one of the above. In reality it only has those as contributing to pain or lack of ability or function. Something happened long before that which set the wheels of various conditions to start to head you in that direction. Let's face it, we are living through a highly stressful time and we have learned some not so healthy ways to feel comfort and block out the stress. Some people have become exposed to a higher volume of toxins that their bodies can’t fully handle and if unaddressed can lead to a variety of conditions. These then can lead to structural failure and other illnesses. When the authorities tell you that the air and water have acceptable amounts of certain toxins, they are not telling you they won't affect you. They are telling you that an average population of people may be affected by such toxins at a particular level. Those levels leave out a lot of people who can be susceptible to such toxins. Why are toxins so important to become aware of? This is the first place most babies and children and some adults become externally affected. Certain toxins can activate genes that can be indicators for the onset of various conditions. The other factors usually occur later as contributors. In the case of obesity, your body will encircle toxins with fat cells to prevent them from harming you. Certain foods can be toxic. Yet the silent but deadly that start to affect most people are from the environment. Air and water are the starters. Other destroyers of the body are socially acceptable things taken into your body that are actually poisonous. Some of these are slow killers! These of course can be seen as smoking and alcohol consumption. You do not need to be a chain smoker or an alcoholic to have these lowering your immune system and destroying bodily tissue. It is known that second hand smoke, for one thing, is considered almost twice as harmful to a none smoker. Because it is not killing you does not mean it is not causing imbalance and altering the systems of your body. It also is robbing your brain from its magnificent functions. Drugs, recreational or prescription are also riddled with side effects which all people have different response times to and level of affect. Added to things like industrial chemicals released into the air and water which our current medical profession is making billions from you living in this lethal cesspool! Without the ability to detoxify yourself, organ pathways become blocked and some malfunction. Foods have less of a chance to nourish your body and supplements will not be able to work as well. It is never too late. there are any number of detoxification programs that can assist most people to rid yourself of any number of toxins. Colonics are a big one to begin with. They begin to rid you of waste build up and open the absorption pathways for nutrients. Proper air filters that filter out environmental toxins, ones that address all germs, viruses and bacteria and may have UV-C light that kills most of these. Water filters that not only filter the large particles and contaminants but things like fluoride that is not needed in adult consumption of water. If the quality of it is considered waste it can act as a toxin. Then there are various ways to rid your body of cellular waste and toxic build up. Some of these are called Chelation therapy and enemas, which act to stimulate your body’s ability to surround these toxins and have them eliminated from the body. There are also poultices that act to pull various toxins from the body as well. An ionic foot bath creates a pumping action to allows your various organs to have these dumped out as well. hydrotherapy allows you to release toxins and stimulated the blood flow as a pumping action as well. Some of these methods have various substances that can aid in the process! All things in the physical universe possess a vibrational frequency that identifies what it is as each atom has a number that identifies only that particular atom. The human body, as a whole has a vibrational frequency when it is healthy of about 68 Hz and above. Illness and structural malfunction of the human body can be seen and experienced as an irregular vibrational frequency or jagged current. Correcting this is done by applying its natural frequency to the affected area or system. Healing with sound is essential to health and recovery. Applying healing sound through tuning folks, Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls or music therapy are just a few of the ways to increase your vibrational frequency. This is why medicinal applications work when they do and why manipulation therapy works to heal structural issues. What you are attempting to do here is to bring your bodies vibrational frequency back to its more normal circumstance. This will begin to allow you to process nutrients better and make your supplements more effective! This can work even on conditions of long duration; it just may take a little longer and have a more intense protocol. There is no one size or one duration or amount the fits everyone. Two things you will have to know, no two people will need the same things, so you address the individual from a whole approach. In this manner you treat the whole body as one for all of its systems rely one one-another. When your immune system is back in good shape, things like COVID-19 can have a milder affect and decreased recovery time. A decreased recovery time will leave you with less side effects from the COVID-19 virus. Know this, viruses vibrate in the 50 Hz range. Keep yourself feeling happy and uplifted to maintain your body in the 60 Hz range and viruses will have little if any affect upon you. They can not survive in a higher frequency.


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  • What is the phone number for Michaelshands in Mesa AZ?
    You can reach them at: 623-205-8501. It’s best to call Michaelshands during business hours.
  • What is the address for Michaelshands on south stapley drive in Mesa?
    Michaelshands is located at this address: 1464 South Stapley Drive Mesa, AZ 85204.