Optometrists in the United States are licensed to diagnose and treat eye disease through therapeutic drugs and diagnostic. They are physicians of the eye and are held to the same standards as other doctors.
Farsightedness or presbyopia affects nearly 100 percent of adults as they age. A study of adults 30 and older found close to 55 percent had some degree of farsightedness and confirmed the condition is more prevalent and occurs earlier among women.
How many times have you been told that reading in the dark will hurt your eyes? It is true that reading in dim light strains your eyes, and may cause you to get a headache as a result, but it will not affect your vision in the long-term.
What does it mean to have 20/20 vision? This rating means that you can see the same line of letters in a vision test as any other person with normal vision standing 20 feet away. If you have 20/40 vision, you can see letters half as well as someone with normal vision.
It’s important to remember that leaving your contacts in overnight can be a recipe for infection and irritation when your lenses weren’t designed for it. If you’re the type of person who frequently forgets to take them out at night, let’s talk about which types of lenses are better for overnight wear.
Are you suffering from Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? Some symptoms include gradual loss of the ability to see clearly, distorted vision, gradual loss of color vision, and a dark area appearing in the center of the your vision.
As medical professionals, optometrists perform more services than correcting vision problems. We also diagnose and treat ocular diseases, problems with oculomotor functions – we even remove foreign bodies from the eye if needed.
20/20 vision simply means that the eye in question can see normally at 20 feet, but if one were to have 20/15 vision, that person has even better vision. It means you can see at 20 feet what one would only see at 15 feet.
Cataract development, the clouding (opacification) of the lens in the eye, isn't uncommon starting at about the age of 40. Care to guess how many Americans 40 and older are believed to have cataracts? That would be 22 million or so.
Did you know that many eye and vision problems do not have obvious signs or symptoms? This is why getting regular eye exams is so important, as early diagnosis can significantly increase your chances of resolving the issue.
"Glaucoma" is a general term describing a range of conditions that damages the optic nerve and impairs vision, often due to increased pressure in the inner eye. While close to 3 million Americans are estimated to have glaucoma, nearly half remain undiagnosed and untreated.
Did you know that an optometrist can spot high cholesterol before any other healthcare provider can via a routine eye examination? High cholesterol, if present, often shows itself as yellowish-colored plaque deposits within the retina (retinal blood vessels).
Did you know that your ability to see color could preclude you from getting certain jobs even when your vision is otherwise 20/20? These include pilot, firefighter, police office and some positions within the military.
A good tip to refrain from eye strain while working on the computer is to look away every 20 minutes at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This rule is known as the 20/20/20 rule and helps to readjust your eyes, according to mayoclinic.com.
Lenses are available in a variety of materials, weights, and thicknesses. We will work with you to find the materials that are best suited for your prescription, your lifestyle, and your budget.
What is astigmatism? This is a very common eye condition in which vision is blurry at all distances. Your eye is sphere-shaped, which is necessary, as the cornea bends or refracts light so you can see things clearly. Astigmatism means the eye is not completely round.
It’s important to remember that not all eyeglass frames will be appropriate for all prescriptions and visual conditions. If you could use a little help ensuring you’re getting the best frames for your visual needs, we’re here for you.
Is it true that eating carrots improves my vision? Experts say the answer is yes and no. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight, but this vitamin is available in a number of different foods, in addition to carrots. Most people get enough vitamin A in their diets without needing any supplement.
How many times can you blink in a second? Did you check to see how quickly you can flutter your eye lids? Although there aren't any marathons or competitions for this -- that we know of -- current thinking is that it's possible to blink about 5 times in a second.
Your eyes are incredible feats of natural engineering. Under the right conditions, the human eye can see a light from a candle as far away as 14 miles! We want to ensure your eyes are as healthy as they can be and continue working hard to bring you all the visual information you see every day.
Did you know that the number of tears your eyes produce actually decreases as you age? However, people do not begin producing tears at all until they are one to three months old.
If you’ve recently taken a job where you spend more time in front of a computer than you used to, it’s critical that you take steps to safeguard your ocular health. Frequent headaches and eyestrain can be two early signs that you may need to see an optometrist.
Intraocular pressure (IOP), or the condition commonly called "glaucoma," is the leading preventable cause of blindness among Americans. Roughly 3 million Americans are believed to have glaucoma, but approximately 1.5 million have the condition but remain undiagnosed and untreated.
Your mother was wrong, at least about one thing: Reading in the dark won’t cause your vision to deteriorate. The worst it will do is give you a temporary headache. Just don’t tell her we told you so.