Recent studies suggest that a noninvasive eye scan could soon be used to catch Alzheimer's disease early in its onset, offering hope for intervention and treatment sooner than later. |
Why choose anti-reflective lenses? In addition to virtually eliminating reflections so your eyeglasses look more attractive, an anti-glare coating lets more light pass through your lenses to optimize visual acuity and reduce eyestrain. |
With mounting concerns over the effects of blue light emitted by digital devices such as computer screens and cellular phones, it's a good idea to speak with our office about the best ways to protect your family and your eyes from any potential damage. |
One of the leading causes of irreversible blindness worldwide is glaucoma. According to the Glaucoma Research foundation there are an estimated 60 million cases across the globe. |
Contacts of the future make it possible to zoom in and out of focus. |
Are you experiencing a burning or itching sensation in your eyes? Do your eyes often feel heavy and dry? You may be suffering from dry eye. If so, the office of Spare Pair Vision Center - Manalapan can help! |
In 1862, a Dutch ophthalmologist by the name of Herman Snellen developed the first standardized eye chart and system for measuring visual acuity. While there have been tweaks and variations, his work remains the basis of what is still used today. |
Ironically, watery eyes may actually be another sign of dry eye. However, these "reflex" tears are only temporary and not enough to keep the surface sufficiently lubricated. |
It really is a small world. Blue-eyed people share a common ancestor with every other blue-eyed person across the globe. |
According to statistics, one in every 12 people with diabetes aged 40 and older has vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy. |
Did you know that the human eye only sees three colors: red, blue and green? All other colors are combinations of these. |
Speaking of the five senses: Approximately 80% of the information from our environment is gathered and perceived by way of our eyes. |
By the age of 65, one in three seniors are affected by an eye condition that results in vision impairment. For this reason, routine eye care is essential. |
Check out this 5 star Yelp review by Pat D.:
I have been going to spare pair for 8 years and have never had a bad experience. The staff is patient and efficient. Dr. Collini happens to be the best, as...
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Pat D.'s review of Manalapan Spare Pair Vision Center
Even if children don't show signs of eye problems, they still need their vision checked. The health of their eyes and vision plays an important role in their physical, cognitive, and social development. |
According to the World Health Organization, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. |
Unlike conventional bifocals or trifocal eyeglasses, progressive lenses offer a more attractive and youthful look. They eliminate any obvious lines across the eyeglass lenses. |
Vision problems in children may be linked to behavioral problems and poor academic performance. |
Today, close to 45 million people in the United States wear contact lenses. While most do so to see better, a smaller percentage use them for therapeutic or cosmetic purposes. |
Diabetes can have a damaging effect on your eyesight, leading to diabetic retinopathy and vision loss. At the office of Spare Pair Vision Center, we provide care to monitor your vision and help preserve the health of your eyesight. |
According to the World Health Organization, more than a billion people worldwide are "presbyopic" and need reading glasses. |
Certain eye conditions may indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea. In some cases, eye doctors are the first healthcare professionals to detect this sleep disorder. |
Too much exposure to blue light may damage the light-sensitive cells in the retina. Ask your eye doctor about computer glasses and how to protect your eyes from blue light. |
Did El Greco's astigmatism influence his art? A 20th Century ophthalmologist believes the artist's elongated figures were a product of this refractive error. |
Do you spend hours a day looking at your computer, phone, or TV screen? Remember to give your eyes a healthy break. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. |
Seeing your eye doctor for routine care is the best way to enjoy clear, crisp vision and protect the health of your eyes. |
Another reason to quit smoking or never start: A smoking habit increases the risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and dry eyes. |
Why protect your eyes from the sun when skiing or snowboarding? In addition to snow reflecting more than 80 percent of the sun's UV rays, these activities occur at relatively high altitudes, where the rays are more intense. |
According to statistics, close to 90% of all eye injuries are preventable. By taking some simple steps, you can protect your eye health and vision. |
At the office of Spare Pair Vision Center, we offer a comprehensive selection of prescription eyeglass lenses, contact lenses, and fashionable eyewear to ensure the quality of your vision and protect the health of your eyes. |
If one or both of your eyes are looking a little red, you may have conjunctivitis, or "Pink Eye." Be careful, infections due to viral or bacterial origin can quickly spread. |