Welcome to Luminous Counseling & Consulting in Huntsville, Alabama
Luminous Counseling and Consulting is a private counseling and consulting practice. Our substance abuse counselors strive to help individuals with life’s problems. Using a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approach, we focus on addiction, autism, social issues, PTSD, stress, depression and anxiety.
Everyone needs help at some point in life. Human beings are creatures of habit and we tend to fall back on what we have done or seen before. If you have learned to handle situations with poor coping skills but received the desired result, you will generally keep using these skills. For example, imagine a child screaming and throwing a tantrum and the parent relents just to end the noise because that is what is easiest. The child has learned that if he or she behaves this way he or she will get what they want. Part of counseling is helping to identify and change behaviors.
Adults are more complicated but still rely on learned behaviors. An adult that learns that he or she does not like to fight with his or her significant other may leave the house for hours because it is convenient and he or she has learned that by the time they have returned the fight is over. Using this example, we would work to develop communication skills so that he or she could use communication, listening, empathy, and other skills to resolve the issue rather than running away and the issue still be present.
If you're search for substance abuse treatment or want to talk to someone who can guide you on a path of introspection, then visit Luminous Counseling & Consulting in Huntsville, Alabama.