Don't compromise your rights...Talk to a Lawyer! Family Law Personal Injury Business Law Contract Law Wills, trusts & Probate Civil litigation Personal Injury real estate law, employment law. Have you been injured in a car accident? Were you hurt on the job? Has your disability claim been denied? We can help you! We?ve helped thousands of people get the money they deserve! Despite your growing debt, piling unpaid bills and nonstop phone calls, there are options to help you regain control. If you take immediate action, you can get help before it is too late. Bankruptcy is a federal law that allows individuals, married couples, and businesses to eliminate or restructure their debts when they have financial difficulties. The decision to divorce is a difficult one to make, particularly if children are involved. It creates profound stress and often precipitates many other life changes. In California, a divorce is called a ?Dissolution of Marriage? and neither spouse is considered responsible for the breakup of the marriage and neither spouse has to prove that the other spouse did something wrong. The Law Offices of Ripley & Associates understand the pressure felt by those involved in the divorce process and work to address each of their concerns.