Certain workers’ comp issues are more difficult than others to prove. Claims are sometimes denied in the case of back injuries, repetitive stress injuries, occupational asthma, and asbestos exposure injuries.
Some workers injured on the job are subject to laws other than their state’s workers' compensation statutes. The Federal Employment Compensation Act, for example, provides coverage to federal employees other than military personnel.
Let’s say you feel a sharp pain in your back at work, but it quickly goes away. You don’t want to ruin the company’s injury prevention program so you don’t say anything. If your back tightens up the next morning, perhaps becoming a significant issue, proving that the injury occurred at work will be next to impossible, according to experts.
Following a work related injury or diagnosis of an illness, it’s important that you report or give notice immediately to your employer the time, place, and a brief description of what happened. This will help ensure that your workers’ compensation claim is successful.
The first worker’s compensation law was put in place in Germany in 1887, and the rest of the world quickly took notice. Several states in America responded by changing laws that gave workers the right to sue their employers by offering worker’s compensation insurance instead.
My injury restricts my range of motion and my strength so that I cannot perform the job I had before I was hurt. My employer says I must go back to work. This is a matter for your worker’s compensation attorney to handle. It is not unusual to have these standoffs and the laws in most states allow for arbitration or an appeals process that your lawyer will utilize.
Did you know that workers' comp laws grew out of a combination of different factors? Industrialization and mechanization resulted in more dangerous workplaces, which caused worse on-the-job injuries.
Are you getting the impression that you might be terminated from your job due to the injury you received at work? Our expert team can be of great help in setting things right.
If there are third-party claims involving possible negligence of persons outside your employer in your work-related injury, then it may be time to consult a lawyer, as this added element can make the process more complicated.
You should not wait for the treatment in case you are injured at the workplace. Any delay in seeking a treatment is often treated as a low-level injury by insurance companies.
Captain Henry Morgan laid out compensation for losing a limb on his ship. Compensation was measured in pieces of eight, with the loss of a left limb being worth 100 pieces of eight less than the right.
Why would companies want to agree to a compensation system for injuries regardless of fault? Both sides win, according to experts. The employee gets medical bills paid and some replacement of lost income while the employer avoids the chances of a huge jury verdict.
We recognize that not every employee is an expert in workman’s compensation law. Let’s talk about your injuries and the settlement you were offered so that we can help you evaluate whether it’s worth accepting or if you should move to the next legal step.
You are able to use your own physician immediately only if both you and your doctor filled out the Personal Physician Pre-designation form prior to the injury. If you did not, you can see your own doctor thirty days after the injury report was filed.
It’s important to remember that having your workers' compensation insurance claim denied isn’t always the final word on the situation. Working with an experienced attorney could help you get the benefits you need while you recover.
Workman’s compensation insurance in the United States, first discussed in the 1800s and adopted in the 1910s, was the first example of a social insurance program in the country. Others would follow, including Social Security and Medicare.
Did you know that in compensation claims for motor vehicle accidents it is not only the injury that is compensated? Compensation can also be claimed for the loss of revenue and property damage.
Many employers are often skeptical of claims because of the number of fraudulent claims driving premiums skyward. When filing a claim, be truthful with your employer and yourself about your injury. Honesty is the best policy; fraud is a felony.
Did you know that if you are injured at work and file for workers compensation that in many cases your employer is required to offer you "modified work”? Modified work means basically you work at your old job except with some changes that will prevent you from re-injury. This is done in lieu of benefits.
Won’t I save money if I settle my worker’s comp claim without having to pay a percentage to a lawyer? What happens if the insurance company denies your claim? In the simplest of cases, it may be possible to proceed without an attorney. But you’ll never know if the insurance settlement offer is fair – compared to other offers – or what steps to take if a claim is denied if you don’t hire an attorney.
When you’re filing a workers’ compensation claim, it’s important that you stay on top of the process. Follow up with your employer to be sure the correct forms were filed with the insurance company, and request copies of everything.
Which size company has the most injuries in the workplace? Surprisingly, it's not large or small companies. Mid-sized companies see the most injuries.
Always remember, that your employer is not entitled to pay your medical bills directly. Any such payments need to be routed through the Worker’s Compensation carrier.
Unfortunately, not all workers' compensation insurance companies are quick to approve the claims of those injured while on the job. If you feel like you’re getting the run around about your benefits, we’re always ready to help you get to the bottom of things.