In these hard economic times it can be wise to consider alternative options to the standard attorney client relationship. While I have over 25 years Experience in Divorce, Custody, Support, and litigated matters, I also provide Coaching and Document Preparation for those who need help without the cost of hiring a full time attorney. You still have an attorney behind you to help answer questions and advise on procedure but you are not incurring fees unnecessarily. Also, at any time you can change the relationship to a more traditional attorney client one should you feel the need.
In the role of a traditional attorney client relationship I believe the client should have input over the handling of their matter and while I will advise my clients on the law and possible outcomes I will work with them to formulate a strategy to try and get their desired result.
Since establishing my office in 1990 I have been a sole proprietorship practicing in the area of Family Law. I do not practice any additional areas of the law. I have been very successful and believe I have many clients who are satisfied with the results from using my office. Call my office to see if I can help you determine a strategy that best suits you. I am not a one-size fits all attorney and will do my best to address your concerns. You will also speak directly with me and not a paralegal or secretary. Thank you.