"Do what you can do and do it well. But always ask your question: Is it serving people?" C.T. Vivian
Thank you #midtownalliance for the Monday morning inspiration.
Check out today's event @everestbusinesscoaching and support Mighty Millie, a brave and amazing three year old fighting Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare from of pediatric cancer. My interview and estate planning trips are up today at 1:15 (or later). https://www.supportful.com/mightymillie
Tomorrow is the last day to vote early in run-off election. For early voting only, you can vote at any location in your county. Here is the list of early voting locations for Fulton County....
Does your attorney quote a flat, all-inclusive, up-front fee? I do! Don't pay by the hour if you don't have to. Let me know if I can help with estate planning, probate or business matters for a flat fee.
Thank you to Max Ruthenberg-Marshall and the Porchlight firm for the highlight in this month's newsletter. Clients going through a divorce or adopting a child need estate planning!
Check it out here... https://mailchi.mp/59fe47c0ea4c/what-is-5050-custody-june-newsletter
What is 50/50 Custody? | June Newsletter
Gardenias- one of my favorites this time of year.
I can't wait to travel again. When I do, Kevin Flink is going to help me plan it. Check out his new video...
Kevin Flink - Travel Planner
Alliance Planning & Probate, PC updated their phone number.
Alliance Planning & Probate, PC updated their info in the about section.
Alliance Planning & Probate, PC updated their website address.
Alliance Planning & Probate, PC updated their address.