Ms. Silber specializes in family law, mediation, and negotiation.
After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, cum laude, Ms. Silber joined Teach For America and taught English to low income students in New Orleans. Ms. Silber then attended the University of Maryland School of Law, where she participated in the negotiation team and won the school’s negotiation competition. Ms. Silber was a study attorney in the University of Maryland’s Mediation Clinic, and she became certified in mediation and family law mediation. She has mediated domestic relations matters, as well as matters in the District Court of Baltimore City, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the Maryland Home Improvement Commission. Ms. Silber graduated with a concentration in alternative dispute resolution.
Ms. Silber’s work experience provides her with a deep understanding of the court system, as well as with sensitivity to her divorce clients. Ms. Silber clerked for the Honorable Zinora M. Mitchell-Rankin at the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, on the domestic relations calendar. Additionally, she has worked for the Immigrant Women Program at Legal Momentum, as well as the Sexual Assault Institute of Maryland.
Ms. Silber is a member of the Boston Bar Association, the Massachusetts Bar Association, and the Massachusetts Collaborative Law Council. She volunteers for the Senior Partners for Justice/Boston Volunteer Lawyers Project and the Women’s Bar Foundation Family Violence Project; in both programs, Ms. Silber provides pro bono representation in family matters.