Happy Labor Day! We are closed today to observe the holiday, and cannot wait to see everyone back tomorrow!
The great outdoors can be the best classroom of all. Next time you are playing outside, invite your 2-year-old to help make cloud dough to encourage fine motor development. Blend eight parts flour to one part oil (i.e., 8 cups flour to 1 cup oil, or 4 cups flour to 1/2 cup oil). Encourage your child to feel and describe the dry ingredient (flour) and the wet ingredient (oil) before you mix the two. Allow your child to help knead the dough with his or her hands. Discuss how the resulting mixture might feel like a cloud, and encourage your child to play with and manipulate the dough. #learnon
Visit our website for more ways to encourage learning through outside play for your 2-year-old: https://kiddieacademy.com/two-year-old-outside-time/.
With parental oversight, various technology tools such as tablets and computers, can be harnessed for learning and development. Guidance would be to have a healthy mix between passive activities, children working on a device, and those activities which involve parents and other family members. The activities we have provided are simple to implement and are engaging for children and family members as they interact together.
Check out Kiddie Academy's Life Essentials At-Home curriculum! https://bit.ly/2T4SsOV
Being responsible means being dependable, keeping promises, and honoring your commitments. When one is responsible, one shows independence and diligence when carrying out tasks and making decisions.
Our Character Essentials theme for May was “We are responsible.” Children in our classrooms learn all about how responsibility shows independence and conscientiousness.
We Are Responsible
Use quiet time to teach your 4-year-old about healthy eating. Ask your child to think about which foods would be included on a healthy plate. Talk about how those foods make us feel. Talk about the foods that don’t provide a lot of nutrition and how those foods might make one feel tired and less energetic. Invite your child to look through each of the grocery store circulars (or printed pictures from the Internet). Encourage him or her to cut out pictures of the healthy foods and paste them on to the paper plate or construction paper. Discuss the pictures that your child has chosen for his or her collage. #learnon
Click the link for more quiet time activities for your 4-year-old: https://kiddieacademy.com/quiet-time-activities-for-four-year-olds/.
Don’t stress about creating the perfect environment for learning; learning can take place in all types of environments. Keep in mind the age of child(ren) and activities that your child(ren) have interests in. A couple of suggestion would be to create a quiet area (not a bedroom) that has books, pillow and other soft items for children to access on their own. Find a shelf that you can put items that your child(ren) can reach and engage in a child-led activity. Plan, if possible and change the items on the shelves to reflect daily activities.
Check out Kiddie Academy's Life Essentials At-Home curriculum! https://bit.ly/2T4SsOV
Make time each day to practice mindfulness. #mindfulminute #learnon
Kiddie Academy of Latham is now enrolling. We have the teachers, tools and inspiration it takes to nurture oversized confidence and big ideas. It's all part of becoming an amazing adult, and begins with our Life Essentials philosophy. https://kiddieacademy.com/academies/latham/
Kiddie Academy of Latham updated their business hours.
Make time each day to practice mindfulness. #mindfulminute #learnon
Make time each day to practice mindfulness. #mindfulminute #learnon
Make time each day to practice mindfulness. #mindfulminute #learnon
During the month of October our Room 4 and Room 6 classrooms experimented with fall sensory materials. We played in sensory bins with fall themed items such as corn and pine cones, and used fall scented paint and play doh. We had so much fun learning about the textures and smells of Fall.
Happy #Halloween! We hope you have a safe and fun night. What are your children dressing up as tonight? Share your pictures with us in the comments!
While we couldn’t celebrate Halloween with our annual Parade Around the Plaza, we were still able to give our kiddos a good time with our outdoor pumpkin patch! Thank you to all our families for following our Covid protocols so we could celebrate a safe Halloween activity. We wish everyone a safe and warm Halloween 🎃👻!
Happy #NewYearsDay! We are so excited to get the new year started. Do you have any resolutions? Let us know in the comments below!
Happy #NewYearsDay! We are so excited to get the new year started. Do you have any resolutions? Let us know in the comments below!
Make time each day to practice mindfulness. #mindfulminute #learnon
Even though the weather was frightful, our 4 year old's participated in delightful holiday activities this week. Our Room 8 friends created holiday masks, and learned about Hanukkah by spinning dreidels and creating stamp by number menorahs.
Make time each day to practice mindfulness. #mindfulminute #learnon