Some advanced electronic locks can actually allow you to issue individual passcodes to authorized users and will record each time a specific code is used. This kind of lock is perfect for a safe or other location where highly valuable or sensitive items are stored and access is restricted.
Every car lock requires different tools and techniques. We use a specialty transponder, for example, to unlock cars with remote keyless entry systems, but we may use a traditional lock lifter on older vehicles with manual locks.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to remember who all you’ve given spare keys to over the years when you’ve lived in your house for a long time. If you need to ensure that you know exactly who has access to your home, it’s smart to change the locks.
Locks are designed to accept multiple keys with the same keyway, but only turn with the correct milling. This differentiation allows car makers to create valet keys and master keys. Slight differences in the millings and locks mean the valet keys only work on certain locks.
Do you know what weak points your home may have that burglars can take advantage of? The most obvious would be an open door when you are either away or at the back of the house. Another weak point would be a tree house within stepping distance from an upstairs window.
It’s important to remember that the same features that make your vehicle less attractive to car thieves can also create headaches for you when they stop working. If a digital locking system is the only way to access your vehicle and it stops working, it may be necessary to contact a locksmith for help.
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to wait until keys are misplaced or stolen in order to change the locks to your company. Whether it’s time for preventative measures or you need stronger locks to deal with crime increases in the area, we’re always here to help.
Why are more than two million burglaries committed each year? It could be that only about 13 percent of all break-ins are solved, making the choice of locks for your entrance doors even more important.
Even if your spouse and children aren't worried about driving around without knowing who to call for emergency auto locksmith services, you can rest easy knowing that you've taken care of your loved ones.
When looking for a place to break in, an intruder will select the door with the lock that seems easiest to penetrate in the location where he or she has the least chance of being seen. Your best protection is to install quality locks along with added safety features such as security lights.
While doing things yourself may seem like an expense-saver, make sure it does not cost you more in the long run. If you try to pick your car lock and you damage it, it may void the theft protection of your automobile insurance.
It’s important to remember that some employees are unable to handle losing their job the way most employees are. If you’re concerned that a former employee might try to burglarize or vandalize your business, changing the locks is the first order of business.
While you may have multiple employees with access keys to your office building, that doesn’t mean all those employees will be able to get to the office when you misplace your key. If you need help getting into your building, we may be able to help.
Replacing a lock requires more than simply pulling out the old one and installing a new. Unless you want to have multiple keys to open the now different locks, it is a good idea to have all the old locks rekeyed during this time.
The weakest point of any door lock is the strike plate, which attaches to the door jamb. Some locks include high security strike plates that are made of heavy gauge metal and are mounted with 3" long screws that secure to the wall framing.
General Motors first produced the Vehicle Anti-Theft System (VATS) key during the 1990s. Many people believe this is the same as a transponder key, but actually it is a resistor, which can be visible on the blade of the key. If it is not working properly, the car will not start. We can help you if your VATS key is showing signs of problems.
Some criminals may use a filed-down key, known as a "bump key," to force open a standard lock. Certain locks (such as combination locks, disc locks, magnetic locks, electronic locks, and keyless locks) are immune to bump keys.
While most car doors may look the same from the outside, some automakers have made significant changes to the locking mechanisms inside to make them safer. Calling in a locksmith is the best way to get back into your car without causing damage when you’re locked out.
There’s an emergency and you must leave town right away. However, you need important documents that are in a safe deposit box in a bank or other facility. A locksmith can provide the same security but allow you to keep valuable items at home.
You should have at least one set of spare car keys made in case you lose or break your regular ones. Give the extra set to a friend or family member. Ideally, have a third set, and keep one in your wallet or purse as backup.
Consider having the locks on all exterior doors examined by a locksmith. They should be able to withstand an attempt at forced entry. FBI statistics show that 6 out of 10 burglaries in 2013 relied on forced entry.
A car lock might seem like something that’s basic and unchanging. But like every other part of a car, lock technology is constantly evolving and changing. Auto locksmiths stay on top of the changes in car lock technology so they’ll be able to open almost any car.
A reputable locksmith will always ask to see your ID or proof of residence before working on the locks in your home. Most will also ask to see proof of ownership (such as an insurance card) before unlocking your car or duplicating a lost key.
Did you know that in vintage automobiles, ignition and door locks were generally keyed identically? Likewise, truck locks and glove box locks were keyed alike but used a separate key code from the ignition/door.