At Beaverton's Karate For Kids, a proud member of the American Taekwondo Association (ATA), our purpose is to develop our members, whether young or old, into individuals who are: mentally and physically strong, possessing of confidence and discipline, able to defend themselves verbally as well as physically, leaders, who set a positive example for others to follow, goal setters and goal achievers, that develop a strong foundation for life so they are prepared for whatever comes their way.
We call this being ATA Strong! (For a complete list of what we believe ATA Strong means click here.)
If you live in Beaverton or the surrounding areas and are ready for you, your child or your whole family to become ATA Strong, come in and take advantage of a no obligation, no cost, private lesson with one of our instructors. We'll discuss your child and how we can help you achieve your goals, plus start you off with a Trial Program which is 4 Classes for $40 with a FREE uniform.
I look forward to helping your family become ATA Strong!