Is a road trip in your future? See how to help protect your identity while you're away from home.
Help Prevent Identity Theft While on Vacation | Allstate
In March, The Allstate Foundation funded the technology needed for The National Domestic Violence Hotline staff to safely working from home. This important gift ensured that The Hotline could continue offering 24-hour services to survivors during COVID-19.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline Expands Remote Capacity with Support from The Allstate Foundation | The Allstate Foundation
Help pass down a bright financial future to your loved ones. Call me to find out how Allstate life insurance can help.
It's Fire Prevention Week! Learn about some common fire risks and get tips to help keep your family safe.
5 Tips for Fire Prevention Week | Allstate
You’re making important decisions every day to keep your family safe. Getting life insurance is a smart choice you can make today that helps provide them a financially secure tomorrow. Call me, and let’s find the right solution for your family.
October is Fire Safety month! Did you know you should replace smoke alarms every 10 years? I can help you save 20% on one + free shipping:
Your world can change in an instant. Make sure your family is protected from life’s uncertainties with Allstate life insurance. Give me a call today.
We want to wish a very Happy Birthday to all of our friends born in October! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a fantastic year ahead!
Your Social Security card may be needed for certain tasks, like getting a driver's license or changing your name. Learn what to do if you need a replacement card.
How to Replace Your Social Security Card | Allstate
As you look toward 2021 and beyond, now is a great time to review your finances to make sure you're on track to reach your goals. For a complimentary financial review, call me today.
Did you know that life insurance can cover things beyond final expenses? I like to think of it as a financial safety net that can provide income, inheritance and more.
5 Uses for Life Insurance Benefits | Allstate
If you're concerned about identity theft, you may want to consider putting a freeze on your credit. Learn more.
How to Freeze Your Credit | Allstate
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to talk turkey about life insurance. Let's find the right plan that will fit your family and your budget. Call me today.
Women have unique needs in retirement. Does your retirement plan reflect them? Contact me to see how I can help you plan for your specific needs.
The last thing you want family members worrying about is tracking down your medication list. It is important to store key documents, medical and financial contacts, and passwords in a central location for loved ones to access if needed. Let me help you get this prepared.
The 2020 calendar is winding down. Let's touch base to make sure your life insurance policy and beneficiary information is up to date. Call me today!
Happy birthday to all our friends born in the month of February! From all of us at our agency, we are wishing you a great year ahead.
A very Happy Birthday to all of our customers and friends born in January! Your local Allstate agency is wishing you an amazing year ahead.
Check out how The Allstate Foundation’s partnership with DonorsChoose was featured on NBC’s "Today" show. The school highlighted in this clip is just one of 1,585 that The Allstate Foundation supported to help students this year.
Elementary students practice gratitude with Thankful Thursdays
Don’t get stuck out on the road this winter! Allstate Roadside provides protection to keep you safe. You’ll get fast, trackable and reliable towing, jump starts, tire repair and more. Call me and get started today!
Roadside Assistance - Emergency Roadside Service | Allstate
This holiday season, pass down the gift of a secure financial future with Allstate life
insurance. Let's talk today and find the right plan for you and your family.
The holidays are a time to show your family just how much you care. This year, consider protecting them with a life insurance policy. It's the gift that truly keeps on giving. Call me for a quote.