Hello to all our values customers. We are going to continue working at this time. Heat is definitely important. I will be doing all service calls but probably won't hang out and visit as I normally would. As things continue to change I will try to keep everyone posted. Thank you and remember practice social distancing so we can get back to normal!
Hello to all of our good customers! We have a favor. For some reason my website had some issues they have it back up and running however all of my good reviews dissapeared leaving only my 1 negative review. Will you please head over to joshstotalcomfortgi.com and leave a real review for us?
Happy last day of 2019! Everyone be safe tonight and have a very blessed new year!
I would like to say it has been a pleasure working in all of our smaller communities going through all this devastation! To say I'm proud to be a nebraskan is an understatement! The new friendship's I've made and seeing the pride the towns have makes me happy we are able to do what we do! Thank you from us guys at Josh's total comfort to all of our new friends and valued existing customers!